McConnell appears to freeze while speaking with reporters in Kentucky to politics – 1169 points –
McConnell appears to freeze while speaking with reporters in Kentucky | CNN Politics

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell appeared to freeze for about 30 seconds on Wednesday while speaking with reporters after a speech in Covington, Kentucky.

The incident is similar to an episode McConnell experienced at the US Capitol late last month and is likely to raise additional questions about the fitness of the 81-year-old to lead the Senate Republican caucus.

Wednesday’s episode occurred when a reporter asked the Republican leader if he was planning to run for reelection in 2026. McConnell had to ask him to repeat the question several times, chuckled for a moment, and then paused.

Someone at his side then asked him, “Did you hear the question, senator, running for reelection in 2026?” McConnell did not respond.

Article includes video of the incident.


Sounds kind of like when my maternal grandma had a series of micro strokes for a few months before having the Big One.

Time to retire, Mitch. For both our sakes.

Maybe Mitch and Dianne can agree to retire at the same time

A little ditty about Mitch and Diane...

I'm surprised Dianne Feinstein isn't running again. I thought she would have been stubborn enough to try to stay in office well into her 90s until she achieves lichdom just to troll us.

She is currently 90, and her term isn't up until 2024. Apparently she isn't running again, but she might think she is...

I feel at this point it's gotta be ego. have so much power that you don't even sweat elections.

Maybe it'd be a better course to work with your party, find a worthy successor that you agree on and start preparing the way for them.

Public functions, etc. get them in the spotlight. Then when the time comes, go out on the campaign trail with them, endorse them, tell your loyal base that the new person will now carry the torch.

If you pick the right person, in a state that's so consistently supported you, it shouldn't be too too difficult.

Not doing it this way is the elected position equivalent of RGB refusing to retire in the Obama administration and fucking the very SCOTUS (and American people) she claimed to be wanting to serve. Now she's going to forever have the tainted legacy of having great views, but being too proud to do the sensible thing, and choosing her own ego over her ideals.

"Okay, fine. On three... One... Two... ... ... ... ..."

four hours later, we are still not sure if they're waiting for the other to blink, have bluescreened, or both

All these old fossils need to GTFO. Him, Feinstein, all of em.

But McConnell in particular has royally fucked this country. No member of Congress should have that much power. But he used it quite effectively for his own ends. So fuck him

Its either happening frequently and just happens to have been caught on camera twice, or it could instead be related to hearing well enough to understand.

My grandparents were like this. Even if they could hear you, a lot of times it seemed out of context to them because they missed some other important piece.

The people handling him knew exactly what was going on there. This happens all the time, I'm guessing.

Source: youngest grandchild of a huge family.

You'd think if it were a hearing issue he would just say "Could you repeat the question?" and not stand there like a deer in headlights.


He did ask them to repeat the question, several times, before just standing there blankly.

Schrödinger's McConnell: competent enough to lead the Republicans in Senate, not competent enough to answer questions about Trump under oath.

Yeah, that's not a hearing issue. I've seen people with hearing issues who zone out because they can't hear / follow the conversation. But, they're not at a podium at the time. When that happens they know they can just back out of the conversation and hang out until the conversation is over, or the meal is over, or whatever.

When you're at the podium you know you're the focus of attention and need to respond. You can't just stand there with a blank look. That looked more like a stroke or a seizure than a lack of hearing.

Oh it was rough towards the end with my grandfather. He was getting near deaf so it sounded like he was screaming at you all the time and you had to explain everything loudly and slowly, he couldn't take it easy either. Was still out there running his little carpenter business so he had to communicate with people. To make matters worse, in a way, his mind was fine so he knew that he used to be capable of stuff and could see it all in his head he just couldn't explain to someone calmly and in a normal voice that he wanted a hammer.

Of course the big big difference between him and the Turtle is my grandfather wasn't a bigoted pile of self-serving crap who was utterly useless.

Yeah idk if auditory processing goes with age but you can also have delays from that.

That said if this were that you’d think he’d get hearing aids after the last one

Senators are among the most powerful politicians in the US, as well as on the planet, and they know it. They don’t stand there befuddled because they’re socially awkward. If they’re befuddled, it’s because they’re befuddled.

We are seeing the human version of the Mac’s spinning beach ball. I have a cat with the same problem. I would not nominate her for a seat in the Senate.

My sister's absence seizures turned out to be stage four brain cancer. I know he's an arsehole, but doesn't he have anyone looking out for him? At all? He needs help.

Did you see the look on that lady's face? She wasn't even worried, she was annoyed. That's the world Republicans want to create for everyone. A Russia-like society where no one gives a fuck about anyone outside their immediate family, because it makes people much easier to control.

I kind of hope he doesn't retire and goes out in an explosion of bodily fluid on live TV. What a show that would be.

I'm good with him staying on in a state where he can't fuck us over more. My worry is who then pulls the puppet strings.

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He should step down and fuck off into the sunset, warmly recalling with what little neurological function he may have how he fucked so many Americans. It’s probably best that I not write the rest of what I’m thinking about this piece of shit traitor.

I'm fully rooting for Mitchs dementia. Much the same as I am a big fan of Limbaughs cancer.

Sometimes nature rolls a nat 20.

I figure a nat 20 in this context would be a little more dramatic than simple sundowning... We could shoot for shitting himself on camera, moments of brutally honest verbal diarrhea, endless painful kidney stones...

Whatever the case, I wish McConnell all the health outcomes he so richly deserves.

I would also wish him the level of healthcare he's supported for Americans in general, but we know that he's rich enough for a proper level of care.

dementia […] cancer

more dramatic […] shitting himself on camera, moments of brutally honest verbal diarrhea, endless painful kidney stones…

Interesting to see a few short moments of temporary and trite social embarrassment portrayed as a worse fate than the gradual and drawn-out ablation of everything that you are.

The dementia is already underway, these would be bonuses. That said, the verbal diarrhea would probably do the world some good - though it's not as though the modern GOP has standards for that kind of thing.

I think he's past stepping down, he can't knowingly do it. He needs family and medical intervention.

Stepping down? He's better at falling down these days.

It all seems kind of pointless doesn't it? You screw over your compatriots only to become a lukewarm wet towel yourself.

May he receive thoughts and prayers. And no other form of healthcare or support.

The world will become a slightly better place when he finally dies.

That is hard to watch. I hate his guts and everything he's done and stood for in politics, but it's still rough to watch a man just fade away like that.

He needs to retire and stop clinging desperately to power. The stress of it alone is probably literally killing him.

Edit: Just so we're clear, here, I'm not offering him sympathy. I have none to give for a monster like Mitch McConnell. The man has done enormous damage to the country, and people like him are why I worry about the future for my kids (both LGBTQ+).

I was only trying to express that on a gut level, it's still unpleasant to see someone basically drain away like that.

He lost all potential sympathy from me when he denied Garland and rammed in Barett during an election year before RBG was fucking cold in the ground. That decision and denial of representation has made shockwaves of regression in terms of civil rights, voting rights, women's bodily autonomy and LGBTQ rights …and that’s what we have gone backward in…so far (birth control and gay marriage being illegal again is coming) and we will feel these effects for several decades way after he’s gone.

tots and fucking pears, goddamn ghoul.

Yup. SCOTUS is eternally corrupted thanks almost exclusively to one man, and the sooner he's worm food the better. Hell, even the fucking worms will gag on his bones.

Umm what stress? No really I am asking. There is no realistic scenario where he will have to choose between medicine or food, face homelessness, have his career destroyed, or really any major setbacks. Also he is probably a psychopath so even if some relative of his gets killed it isn't going to impact him.

I am a regular middle class family man. It would take nearly nothing to destroy everything I have. One dark spot on an x-ray, one bad car accident, me and my wife both losing our jobs at once, a kitchen fire. The Turtle's wealth, pension, power, and lack of emotional attachments means he is shielded from everything. How can someone who can't lose anything be worried about anything?

The very worst thing that could happen to him is his party doesn't have as much power. Which isn't even really a thing on him, it is on the vile ideas that he has.

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I feel the same. Terrible human being. But taking joy in the suffering of others is not something I will do.

Don't worry, I will take enough joy for us both. There is no hell, he is going to the same dirt we all are. If I want to feel a bit glad that one less terrible human is around causing problems I won't feel bad about about feeling bad. Humanity as a whole will be better off the faster he dies. My feelings won't change when that event happens and express an honest evaluation of the situation.

Every single teenager girl in America trying to abort her incest fetus with a metal hanger is because of that fucker.

“Your account has been suspended for posting violent content. The suspension —-“

Just kidding, this isn’t Reddit

Don't worry I'll have your share, get fucked Mitch.

I know McConnell is just a lightning rod for hate for the GOP and as soon as he's gone some other amoral, sociopathic mercenary will take his place, but damn if he's not just the worst.

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Whether he clings to power and dies from stress is kind of his decision.

I don't enjoy seeing a person, even him, suffering illness. Even as much as I despise that horrible piece of shit.

My initial response is to feel empathy and compassion when I see this, it's awful. Then I remind myself how many people have been hurt by him and how many people continue to be hurt by him and my compassion is tempered. I don't delight in his ailing, but I can't say I feel the same about this as I would if it were someone else.

He lost “human” status a long time ago. I actually like reptiles and lizards, so I have a better one:


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After reading all the comments about wanting his life to be over and the counters about feeling bad for him etc. I think ive come to a conclusion on how to ethically handle him.

I'm going to laugh. I'm going to laugh at how foolish he looks having a stroke on stage. How despite all of the terrible things he has done to this country on a socio-economic level trying to line his pockets and stay in power, he is standing up there, feeble and barely coherent, looking like he simultaneously shat himself and forgot his name, I'm going to laugh.

Because if he wants any semblance of dignity, any ounce of respect, he needs to admit that he is done and bow out.

"But he is still human, have some empathy" No, why should I? This man has engineered tearing the country apart so he can put his grubby hands all over it and smear it in his own grease. And he is still trying to keep doing it!

What I see up there is an old man trying to walk across the freeway, with a dozen people telling him not to. And he is not only ignoring them but lifting his nose high and walking out into the road anyway. So when I see that mack truck hit him like it did on that stage, I laugh.

"The grace of God knows no bounds. But my mercy has some practical limitations."

Americans stop voting old white dudes and ruining the rest of the world please.

Just stop voting old dudes period. A white old dude is as unsuitable to govern as a non-white old dude.

Vote for younger and more progressive generation.

I'm from UK and we need to stop that shit also.

I don't think we have anyone in McConnells or Feinsteins states in parliament right now. Maybe in the Lord's as it's lifetime peerages but they probably don't turn up anyway.

But BoJo, Liz, Rishi and Starmer aren't that old.

if you could choose one....

it's hard when the DNC and RNC hand-pick the candidates for us. Our primaries are a sham

Bingo. The problem here is old, not white or men. Only white, or only men is a separate problem, which is maybe what they meant.

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I don't fuckin want them either. It's our fuckin boomers who want to take everything to the grave with them.

Let's not be descrimatory here. I don't think Dianne Feinstein is doing too well either:)

Kentucky is going to Kentucky. Hold my beer while I burn the state to the ground. I lived there and it was disheartening how many people vote against their self interest.

Because to most people in Kentucky keeping America safe from Hillary Clinton is more important than healthcare, abortion access, or school funding. Those voters have shown us their priorities, time and time again, and they truly care more about culture war nonsense than anything else.

They're just voting for the only party who pretends to care about them.

Democrats have spent almost no energy on making rural voters feel included.

If you saw everything you've ever known decay into the shambles of globalization, then some orange guy comes and starts yelling about how he's going to fight for your way of life, while the other guy is talking to the people who have been shaming you for decades, who do you think you'd vote for?

If we want a better future, we're going to have to get over all this hatred towards our neighbors. Waving your hands around a map and saying "fuck allll these (rural) people" isn't going to work anymore, because China/Russia know exactly how to exploit that hate.

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Can't help but enjoy this, given what a despicable human being he is.

illustrates the love his party members have, keeping him working even after he's had a stroke on tv twice.

Not only that, but to ask him about his reelection plans.

Get this man into a nursing home.

No matter what, he'll be sure to recover enough to start posting on Twitter, like Herman.

Last comment was deleted, so I guess I'll repost it with edits.

Couldn't happen to a nicer piece of shit.

Lot of folks trying to take the high road here out of compassion.

This guy single-handedly fucked democracy sideways for at least a generation. The reverberations of his Supreme Court shenanigans are going to be responsible for the deaths of thousands.

I hope he spends the rest of his days confused and shitting himself.

I love how republicans will say Biden is too old and make fun of him while also down playing this BS...

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The mummy's curse will never release him

Satan keeps sending him back. He doesn't want him either. Also he feels he has done his part by taking Pat Robertson a few months ago.

Tough noogies. If Satan doesn't like the gig then he knows what he's got to do about that touchy asshole boss of his. Tell him to take the necrotizing turkey neck or else.

If he weren't such an evil fuck, I'd feel bad for him. But he is an evil fuck, so oh well.

Put these fucking geriatrics out to pasture already. That includes Feinstein as well. Shameful that this dude is being paraded around in front of media when he's barely coherent. It's shit like this that makes it very evident how long the Silent Generation and the Baby Boomers have clung desperately onto power long past the age that they should have handed over the reins to the people who will actually have to live with the consequences of their decisions.

Where are all the Republicans deriding "Sleepy" Joe Biden? What are your thoughts on Mitch McConnell the stroke victim? Would you vote him back into office again if he or whoever was puppeteering his desiccated corpse decided to run again?

It's honestly not much different than what he does at his job already, especially when he was majority leader. It's all about standing there and doing nothing, then occasionally saying how the democrats can't do shit while in office.

I wish that were true.

After the shit he's pulled, especially over the supreme court...I don't feel bad for him at all.

Oh I dont feel bad for him. That shit stain should have been removed from power years ago.

Could anything be more symbolic of America's political situation right now?

It says something that he's still the minority leader. Feinstein has similar issues and is still around, but she's just a random senator. This is the Republican senate leader.

I imagine many knives are being sharpened behind the scenes. I wonder if he's actively keeping himself in power, or if other people with power are "managing" (puppeting) him until they can grab power for themselves.

In Feinsteins case, she's on the narrowly held judiciary committee. If she were to retire (and she should for her own sake, though she may not be capable of deciding at this point), no more judges get confirmed till after the next election (to my understanding).

So not just any senator.

If she resigned the California governor would appoint somebody to fill her spot, still giving democrats control of the senate they would be able to appoint somebody else to that committee, or am I way off base?

For Diane Feinstein to resign from the Judiciary Committee and for appointing someone else to the committee right now requires unanimous consent, and the Democrats are not going to get that from the Republicans right now. Regardless, the act of replacing someone on a committee is subject to debate and can be filibustered. If Diane Feinstein were to retire or die, that's it, a 10-10 split in the Judiciary Committee until the next Congress, so long as the Republicans refuse to play ball.

Pardon my ignorance, which rule would apply requiring unanimous consent? And which one allows for debate when filling a vacancy? I can't seem to find it.

I misspoke, unanimous consent isn't required, but it makes the process much smoother, and is considered the "normal" means of ratifying committee assignments.

Isn't there also some drama about how the governor and the democratic establishment want different people in her seat? The establishment wants to wait for the election to get the more moderate Schiff, who's a safer bet against lesser known progressives. But if the governor can appoint his progressive pick, as an incumbent they'll have a better shot at sticking.

I don't care for Mitch's politics, but I doubt I'll like who comes after any better.

But, odds are they won't be as effective at it. As awful as he has been, he's also been very effective. It's rare for a senate leader from either party to obstruct things as well as he's obstructed them, or to shovel through things as effectively as he has.

His voice has lost any strength and authority it had, he sounds like my strong, loud grandpa after he got bad dementia, he sounded weak and scared. I think he's beyond controlling anything, he's being used now. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.

whatever is happening to him, I hope it's causing him extreme discomfort. it's the very least he deserves after all the shitty, life ruining ideas and policies he's endorsed

Last comment was deleted so it bears repeating: Taking the "high road" gets no one anywhere. And I for one am happy he is publicly losing his dignity, when he has gleefully played a major role in robbing others of theirs.

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This man's having seizures or strokes live on camera and no one's doing anything about this.

I want to take a camera and microphone to a voting booth building and ask people "hey did you vote for a man over 70 years old today"

Just because it's like encountering a bad show on live TV and skipping over it or a commercial and saying "damn that's dumb who is buying this?!" And never finding out. The best eye opener is meeting people who you didn't think actually existed.

I don't think it's a seizure. He probably pooped himself and realises that he smells like a piece of shit.


People often poop themselves during seizures 😹

Good. Now reporters and camera-people know what to be on the lookout for. 💩

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Everyone should watch the video. McConnell needs to retire.

Do we need to watch if we’ve thought that since he began his crusade on democracy

nah, i don't need to cringe, i wanted him out way before this

This is why we shouldn't have old people rule a country, not only do they make decisions that only benefit them in the short term they're also incapable of just talking in public

There are old people capable of talking to the public. Bernie for example

I mean, I agree that old people shouldn't be running the country. But there are plenty who can speak in public without issue.

Everyone in elected office over the age of 65 should be forced to retire. At best, they've done their duty and deserve to rest and enjoy the fruits of their labor. At worst, they're nonfunctional skeletons that don't even have skin in the game when it comes to government.

The most impactful reason for there being an upper limit on age for representatives is that they literally don’t have a personal stake in the future. Even if they have kids or whatever other platitudes they may try to push, obviously there are people making decisions now that are going to have mortal fallout for the next generation that they don’t give a shit about if they’re making money.

There's a lot of perfectly competent over-65s. There shouldn't be forced retirement, but forced screenings and physicals to ensure that serving politicians are still mentally fit to serve.

That is true, but then my second reason comes into play. Even if they are perfectly functional, they are at retirement age. Their stake in what government policies are formed goes down immensely. They have like 10-15 years left on average. Leave it to the people whose policies will actually affect them.

I'm sorry but your "stake" point is dumb.

"A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they shall never sit."

It's entirely possible for someone to be old and still thoroughly invested in future generations. You think grandparents can't care about their grandchildren's future just because they're old?

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How would that be democratic? The vote is the way to retire someone and if you think he can't do the job, don't vote for him.

How is it democratic that you have to be 35 and a natural born citizen to be elected president? It may take a Constitutional amendment just like that, but I think it is a good idea regardless.

I don't. Should be any age or person as well. Few people would have the experience by that age so likely would make no difference lowering the age but regardless it should be 18 or just removed entirely.

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I see a lot of hate towards him and it looks like he deserves it. But why is he still in the Senate? Do people vote for him?

I'm not an American, just trying to understand how it works.

All elections are local here. President/VP is the only office that the entire country votes on, and even that is really a weighted combination of the results of 50 different State elections (and DC). So the first part is that Mitch only has to answer to voters in his home state of Kentucky.

But then Mitch's leadership position isn't even due to that, but due to how long he has been there and how many favors he has done for Republicans there. He was elected as the Senate Republican leader strictly by Senate Republicans. But that position puts him in a much better position to shape legislation the way he wants to, and every politician wants to direct Federal money back home.

So there is added incentive for Kentucky to keep sending him well past his "Best Before" date, because they lose all that influence if they send someone else instead.

And Senate elections are also for six year terms. A lot can happen to an elderly person in six years. He didn't show these symptoms when he won his last election.

do people vote for him?

yes. incumbents have a lot of staying power in elections just because they are the incumbent. there's also a giant coordinated rightwing media propaganda machine that has been driving hatred into the hearts of vulnerable Americans for the past 60 years telling them to vote R no matter what. even if it hurts them.

Also specifically for Kentucky, Kentucky outside of Louisville and Lexington has had little to no growth and instead has been in decline*. Republicans and centrist Democrats(in the case of who ran against McConnell, Amy McGrath) are the only ones who claim to bring jobs back. A lot of rural Kentuckians felt especially alienated by what many saw as a condescending response from who they saw as the Democratic establishment telling them to "Learn to Code". A lot of Kentucky voting is really about jobs rather than ideological issues, you saw the same with the election of Governor Andy Beshear(a Democrat) where he promised to fund the teacher pension where his incumbent opponent Matt Bevin didn't really promise much in terms of economic opportunity. Back to McConnell, McGrath could've had a chance against him but I think also people saw the notoriety and power McConnell has in the party as him being uniquely positioned to negotiate more for the benefit of Kentucky.

This is a very good appraisal of the situation, however (not that you're wrong), I wish I could ask these people how long they plan to keep reelecting the same person before they stop hoping he will fix their problems and start realizing he's a big part of the reason they're still problems.

Like...c'mon Kentucky. At what point do you go from, "We've had enough of this. Let's vote in Republicans to bring us prosperity!" and eventually get to, "Damn, we've been reelecting these people for how long now? It's been long enough. These problems haven't gone anywhere, so either these people are incapable of solving them or are actively perpetuating them. Either way, time for someone new."

I'm from Louisville so I can't speak for the whole state, but my interpretation is that Trump was the first presidential candidate in a long time to mobilize Kentuckians into thinking the issues of the state will be addressed nationally, again McGrath and other Democratic candidates recognized that and didn't directly attacked Trump(IIRC Andy Beshear has also never really said anything against Trump). None of the Trump supporters I know care for McConnell at all(and they likely wouldn't mind McGrath that much) but voted for McConnell as hoping it helps Trump's goals basically, rather than a vote for McConnell.

That doesn't explain the votes for him from 1984-2010

I can't really offer a perspective on that because I wasn't alive for half those years.

I totally forgot about the "learn to code" meme.

Kentucky voters have historically LOVED him. Until recently that state has voted consistently for Republicans for a while, and McConnell is the most powerful Republican in the US. He is vastly responsible for the horrible shape our government is in right now.

It is not true to say the state has voted consistently Republican, it has leaned Republican in the past 20 years but there have been a few Democratic congressmen(and some areas like Louisville are essentially always blue) and the governor is more often than not a Democrat.

They're seriously going to let this man stroke his brain to swiss cheese, for what? To save what little is left of the GOP?

And these are just the ones he's having in public.

I'm convinced Glitch McConnel is to GOP what Tito was to Yugoslavia. After he's gone, what he once held together will tear itself apart from the inside.

That's an interesting hypothesis, and I'm inclined to agree. Senator Turtle maybe be evil, but he's not a moron. He knows how to throw his weight around to get what he wants, and he knows when to shut up.

The latest batch of Republicans are evil and catastrophically stupid. I don't think they'll be able to hold it together.

Don't compare this guy to glitches. Glitches have the potential to be beautiful anomalies, and bring the possibility for creativity, personality, and humour in life to otherwise rigid and unyielding systems.

This guy is the rigid and unyielding system. And though I'm not American, it seems his works are anything but beautiful.

Chewing up things and spitting them out is kind of the gops thing. The only ppl shocked are the GOP ppl it happens to.

Not Mitch, though. He's jelly between the ears now.

feel that Mitch? that's the Devil's hands on your ass, boy.. oh yes it is..

Yup the devil is about to get all up in those cheeks buddy boy.

Political version of Weekend at Bernie's. Too bad it's not just a shitty movie.

Exactly what I was thinking.

That guy isn't making any big decisions behind the scenes. He's just being puppeteered until he dies.

Him and Feinstein both. We have a literal puppet government now.

Looking forward to the Feinstein / McConnell song and dance number…. “I have no strings to hold me down…”

Weekend at Bernie's is cinema gold you philistine!

The reaper must have been in the crowd again. You can't run from the reaper, mcturtle.

Nothing to see here folks, just another little Mitch Glitch.

I want him to drop dead in front of a live camera feed during his next press event.

Give the American people what they want for once in the nearly 40 years that you've been in Congress, Mitch.

I want them to rush his dying body to a Vet hospital and it takes three hours to admit him due to paperwork. I also want the EMTs to be paid minimum wage so they are all 16 year olds with no training.

Vet hospital

I first read that as veterinary hospital, and I still like my version better.

Well he does look like a turtle. Ok I change my answer, I hope he dies going to a federally funded zoo announcing he is cutting funding and one of those giant turtles gets randy on him and no one stops it

I will sweeten it. If this happens I will seriously reconsider my atheism. Oh Lord give me a sign!

Hello, republican department, have you tried turning him off and on again?

I actually think these strokes could make him a better at his job.

Who had two simultaneous weekend at Bernie's situations in the US senate on their Bingo card?

2 is probably on the lower end. McConnell and Feinstein are relatively high profile. I'm sure there are congressmen shitting their depends on the reg that we just happen to pay less attention to

He's stuck in line after Kissinger. Is there a strike happening at Reaper Inc.?

Error 404: Coherent Thought Not Found. Buffer Overflow in Verbal Output Stream. Senator.exe has encountered an unexpected filibuster in cognitive process.

Initiating System Reboot... Please Stand By.

Estimated time to resume 'functionality': 30 seconds.

Term limits, please.

Age limits, absolutely. I have very mixed feelings on term limits.

I live in Michigan, which has term limits in place for state government. The original limits were kind of silly. We recently approved a reform that changed the term limits for state legislators from three 2-year terms (6 years) in the state House and two 4-year terms (8 years) in the state Senate to 12 combined years in the Legislature, and requires a lot more disclosures.

The original limits resulted in many freshmen each election cycle. This seemed to open the door even wider to have special interests legislate by proxy since a lot of newcomers didn't always come in with very well formed agendas or know how to get anything done.

That aside, it seems like term limits make it harder for Jane/Joe Public to assume public office. It's true that being a politician isn't a certain career path, but what motive would I have to run if it meant quitting my current job knowing I would have to find a new job in 12 years assuming I managed to constantly win relection? Yeah, sessions only happen three days a week / ~115 days a year for our state Senate but it's not like I could easily work another job. Salarys are $72k a year, which will be attractive to some but will put off a lot lot of folks the private sector. The salary won't put off those who already have a high net worth though. Looking at the federal level the salary does go up to $174k, but the cap on the time you're allowed to serve would likely result in a lot of self-selection.

I see your point, but I'd make the opposite argument. Serving in Congress or a state legislature should never be confused with a career. Keeping salaries low, makes it easier to move on. Still enough to live while you serve.

Also, I personally couldn't even imagine being in the same job for 12 years. Having to find a new job in 12 years or less is something most people have to do and do willingly and even joyfully.

valid points raised, but I have to say if someone manages to stay elected for 12 years you would think they are somewhat competant and able to find a job post-politics without too much trouble

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He's been a Senator since 1985. 38 years. 6 terms and counting.

Senators should probably be capped at 2 terms, 12 years total. That's plenty. Equivalent to 6 Congressional terms or 3 Presidential terms.

The problem is, to do this right requires a constitutional amendment.

I mean as a career goes, that's about right for a lifetime career though. The problem is that he got into that position when he was almost 50. Additionally, if you take in his whole political career he is WAY over the limit. The age is the biggest problem here though, the man was born when Hitler was still a threat. He came into office before the Berlin wall fell. He's well past his expiration date as far as that goes.

Yeah, I'm not sure how I'd phrase it for a term limit, but you probably shouldn't be able to serve in more than 2 consecutive decades.

Sworn in in the 80s? Congrats, you're done in the 90s.

The idea that someone could serve in the 80s, 90s, 00s, 10s and 20s is absurd.

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Why do we let old men run this country again?

Because they rigged the system. The Midwest is gerrymandered all to fucking hell.

Because old people are more likely to vote.

I know people are quick to jump on this as a sign of cognitive impairment, but could this be a form of aphasia resulting from his fall a few months ago?

I just ask because it's possible it's a motor issue (knows what he wants to say but can't physically say it) rather than a cognitive issue (can't think of something to say).

As much as I'd love for McConnell to GTFO, and certainly support age/term limits in Congress, if it is a motor issue it'd be similar to what Fetterman has dealt with since his stroke (auditory issue vs. cognitive issue).

Ohhhhh how I do enjoy seeing this!!! It does bring a smile to my face :) This horrifying creature doesn't deserve any semblance of caring or empathy because it's very simple: he's not a human being. He's some kind of monstrosity birthed from some demon world and accidentally wound up here on earth.

That dude looks expired 😐

C’mon, THAT is a poster board cutout of McConnell. Absolutely hilarious if it’s not!

Every second he’s frozen is a second he’s not making the world a worse place so… let’s go glitches

So aphasia or focal seizures? I favour the latter. I think maybe he has a brain tumour.

Oh Kentucky, you poor poor fools rode this piece of garbage all the way to the bitter end.

Not weighing in on opinions about the fella as I’m British and ‘not my politician’ but, just showed this to my wife who is a specialist in geriatrics for the NHS and she said she’d refer him for a scan querying either a vascular event or vascular dementia.

Not weighing in on opinions about the fella as I’m British

Margaret Thatcher with a penis, a Bible, and has been in office many times longer. That is close enough analogy to work with.

Thanks for the horrifying mental image.

If it makes you feel better remember that Thatcher is still dead and every day that passes brings you one day further from her being alive.

You need to parboil turtle meat before it freezes. Especially if you want to get rid of the rank bitterness. Also, to purge the filth out of its flesh properly, you really should put the turtle in a tub or plastic trash barrel (while still alive) for about a week, with some fresh water to swim in.

Can we agree to a compromise? You boot McConnell and we boot Feinstein?

Lol, we want Feinstein gone, they don't want Mitch gone.

Once they got some sort of response out of him: "any other questions? And please speak up!"

As if that was the issue!

Well, he can't talk or think and he has tons of power! This is excellent and surely not a symptom of a fundamentally broken system that will doom us all!

again?? Or is this just old fucking news???

No repost, it'S a genuine repeat performance. Well, or lack of performance, actually.

MF having tias right the fuck up on the stage, lol. They've probably got him on anticoagulants since the first one but it probably doesn't take a big clot to fit through his arteries at this point. I can't imagine the amount of sclerosing and HTN is present in an excessively rich and exceedingly old white man. Wonder how much syphillis he's caught from 14 year olds.

Have you tried to turn him off and on again?

Wow twice now. That's...well maybe throw in the towel buddy.

Twice on camera. I can't help but wonder how frequent this is when he isn't holding a presser

This is just sad. He's clearly not fit for any kind of work.

Maybe he just went to a Death Grips concert!

In all seriousness, the loudest concert I went to was seeing the Local Natives at Coachella. Everything was fine, but they kept asking the sound technician to turn their instruments up. It was deafening. Wear earplugs when going to concerts, especially if you're close to the front.

Answer the question Mitch! Are you running for re-election? Damnit!

I see he was resurrected by alien machine dogs. The black hands, the pauses. Has anyone checked him for a pulse?

This is what I don't get about USA. So called freedom country granting lifelong held positions to people. Supreme court, senate whatever it's there that are giving people lifelong until their deaths positions and talk about free elections and stuff. I might be wrong so please correct me but why do you have so many people like him holding their places until they die or retir because of old age? How is it a democracy when there is a monarchy in place by election?

He isn't in a lifelong position. The only position one holds for life is the supreme court. He's a senator, they have their position for 6 years. It just so happens that his state always re-elects him (for some stupid fucking reason, not like he's ever actually helped the people from his state.)

There should be a limit like the presidential election. 2 terms and you're out. So called re-election is what gives these living mummies the infinite political powers.

People vote for him because they give their district/state seniority. When he is gone Kentucky goes back to the bottom of the queue.