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Joined 11 months ago

Oh hi.

Meh, if it drops it drops. I'll never have the relationship to social media I used to, because I don't want it anymore. If Lemmy can give me a few posts a day of things I might not normally see, that's enough for me. It doesn't need to be the next Reddit or whatever. After quitting Reddit I'm getting back into things I haven't done in years. I don't need that again.

8 more...

Musk openly stated that he spoke directly with Putin after the Ukraine invasion had started. The super wealthy have no loyalties and will sell anyone and anything to the highest bidder. I've said it before, every penny after $1 billion needs to be taxed at 100%. Time to reign in the oligarchs.

30 more...

I agree, but also a tragic day. This does nothing to reduce the polarization or convince his misguided followers of anything. Trump might go away but his voters won't. We have decades of this to look forward to. It's a step in the right direction at least...

11 more...

Success is mainly about sucking up to the right people. No matter how good you are at your job, you have to know how to play work politics. Most bosses don't know how to evaluate actual ability, and they're much less objective than they think. Usually they favor more likeable employees over capable ones if forced to choose. Human life is a popularity contest, always has been, always will be. That's the side effect of being a highly social species...

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I would feel so owned if other conspirators did this too.

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Nope. Once upon a time long ago I thought I wanted a Tesla. Now? I'd rather drive a Ford Focus.

6 more...

Republicans increasingly rely on the most extreme voting base for energy. It works mostly because we only have two viable parties and even the less extreme Republicans think the extreme right is the lesser of two evils. How many Republicans do you suppose will wring their hands in 2024 but vote for MAGA candidates and Trump anyway? Almost all, even if they say otherwise. We know preference falsification is a thing now. People will just lie if they're too embarrassed to admit what they're doing.

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I mean, setting aside the lack of actual evidence so far, what effect will it have on most of us? Is the world suddenly going to become a utopia because aliens have been here? At best we get some cool technology that governments and the rich will hoard; at worst we get conscripted to go kill them and take their shit, or are forced to defend ourselves from them trying to take our shit. I've never really understood why aliens imply anything other than that. The truth is, if they do have something truly transcendent to teach us, we ain't ready for it. If we want to find the secrets of the universe we need to put our own house in order and do it ourselves. Aliens aren't our space saviors.

11 more...

I'm just going to go out on a limb and say, maybe it shouldn't be possible for one person to have enough wealth to singlehandedly buy and destroy important social institutions.

Also, maybe smart people shouldn't be putting all their eggs into one privately owned basket.

5 more...

He's trying to look defiant and outraged. Guy knows how to work his marks. I guarantee you every Republican looking at that photo is getting a massive boner over it.

6 more...

Could anything be more symbolic of America's political situation right now?

Who makes someone get rid of a gaming console?

2 more...

Turns out unregulated capitalism might be slightly at odds with democracy.

Also, realizing that I actually don't really have any idea what I'm talking about...

8 more...

Holy shit that's genius. He got us, he really got us.

The pattern is: Offer something really cool for cheap or even free, then once people are hooked slowly reduce service while increasing price. It's a giant bait and switch.

I'm guessing the whole world has been doing some hard mulling since 2016...

1 more...

They plan to make VPNs illegal.

9 more...

Save taxpayers money, not the super rich. The system is working as intended for the parasites at the top.

1 more...

Oh look, subverting a message of peace and love with one of violence and hatred created a monster, how shocking.

Nah, give me all them SuperbOwls.

It's not about being technically good or not for me, it's a question of expression. A human can express internal thoughts and feelings. An AI, at least the ones we currently have, can only do an awkward imitation. There's no intention or awareness.

8 more... is Handsome Jack?!

Don't forget to have your pet spayed or neutered folks!

Hahaha, this person thinks laws apply to the wealthy.

Yikes, I would be very scared to take anything ChatGPT says as accurate. Google keeps trying to get me to use theirs when I do searches, and I refuse.

12 more...

Reusable baking sheet liners are pretty cool.

7 more...

I would like to request a patch to the patch request. The submitter describes the dashes as equal signs and it's really bugging me.

Oh, be fair, lots of men still beat their wives and suppress their emotions.

13 more...

In an interview with NPR, Russell Moore, who is editor-in-chief of Christianity Today, said that he hears from pastors who tell him about congregants who take umbrage at Jesus telling his followers to turn the other cheek. Moore said that someone invariably comes up to the pastor afterwards and says, “Where did you get those liberal talking points?”

“And what was alarming to me is that in most of these scenarios, when the pastor would say, ‘I’m literally quoting Jesus Christ,’ the response would not be, ‘I apologize,'” Moore recounted. “The response would be, ‘Yes, but that doesn’t work anymore. That’s weak.'” For him, that shows that Christianity is in a state of crisis.

Literally from the article. Not sure how much closer to the horse's mouth you need it to be. I'm in a pretty conservative area and this also rings true to sentiments I've heard from supposed Christians.

Or, hear me out here, maybe if they're going to jail they aren't "good guys". Or has the right decided our legal system isn't perfect after all? Can't have both!

1 more...

Ha, and you don't think Congress would write in an exception for them and their wealthy donors? I'm surprised anyone in the US believes fairness is on the table anymore.

*American doctors.

Let's not forget this is an aberration in the rest of the world.

*Polaroids of sacks...


Or maybe proof that, you know, they aren't here and never were...

Which will balloon the cost exponentially.

There's a CEO in The Corporation (2003 documentary) who literally argues that everything should be monetized. Including air...

So, do we know if this means users have to have the ability, or the people who run the app? Seems vaguely worded.

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As an American I can unequivocally state that differing time zones are one thing we do get. It's a very wide place.

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I don't entirely disagree, but it's also true that Trump exposed some serious flaws in our political system, and that serious people have been working very hard since Jan 6th to make it much harder to do what he and his cohorts did. One example would be the supreme court victory that struck down a proposed law that would have allowed state congresses to ignore election results. Not saying everything's okay now, but maybe it's not quite so dire. Of course, most democratic coups happen when an individual or group just decides they won't follow the rules anymore, so there is that little problem with trying to litigate ourselves out of this mess.