US suicides hit an all-time high last year to World – 708 points –
US suicides hit an all-time high last year

About 49,500 people took their own lives last year in the U.S., the highest number ever, according to new government data posted Thursday.


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Save taxpayers money, not the super rich. The system is working as intended for the parasites at the top.

Sort of. If they all worked together they would have been better off, even for their own class. Working together and further monopolizing businesses for American industries would have made them much richer (probably at the expense or other economies, but I guess we're just talking about "the west" so thats slightly irrelevant). Every other American would be better off too, but that might mean Elon Musk is worth 100 B instead of 180B and Larry Ellison is only worth 70B. But there would be a lot more Billionaires and a heck of a lot more millionaires. But that isn't how game theory works I guess, and that would be boring for them... they have no national allegiances anyway.