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How dare modern republicans put me in even a situation where I have to agree with GW Bush.

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Considering the original study only documented Wolves in captivity I explain it like this: Alpha, Beta, Sigma, whatever, is just the type of prison bitch you'd be, so congrats.

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Just waiting for Trump to not pay this like all his other bills and watch as the legal system decides to fine him for not paying fines because they don't have the balls to put him in a cell.

If I was Fetterman id run with this in rural PA come election time. "I kicked more democrats out of congress than Trump did." God the confusion alone would be priceless.

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What do we call 200 people who sit together with 20 Fascists?

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Was she the one that was in a metal band too? I swear I'm remembering that name.

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They're gonna use this to jail and subjugated the unhoused populations aren't they?

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Shockingly, when you don't come down hard enough on price gougers during a global pandemic, the rest of pf buisnesses get the idea you're unwiling to punish anyone for price gouging.

It's no surprise the ratcheting rightward of global politics is coinciding with increased war and violent conflict, they fuel each other. Peace is bad for the fascist so I'd be very wary if I was Argentine.

Here's a tip for Americans, if you want to annoy a Canadian ask them if they're from Alberta, if they ask why tell them they give of Alberta vibes, if you're feeling sauce just say 'Berta vibes instead of Alberta vibes.

Some women I know in this position believe they're somehow different or better than the people who the cops treat like animals and that it would never happen to them, only to the undesirables that deserve it. Over 40% of them are wrong according to statistics.

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Sociopathic Headlines for $1000, Alex.

They killed multiple journalists earlier this week and killed at least 6 in a strike on a school and this hospital debacle has drowned all of that out.

I think were closer to seeing people be forced to rent every comoddity they need to live than we are to seeing full home ownership.

The United States is simply three weapons manufactures in a trench coat appearing as a government. I will keep saying this until even I'm tired of hearing it.

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Good it should, and I hope we start seeing this more in labor law outside of when the government is going after people who literally attacked it. Something tells me this is just more police privilege than it is labor issue though which is unfortunate.

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Crime statistics are literally just made up. Your local PD decided whats a crime and whats not, it could be the same exact thing but a crime one day and an incident the next. Fight at private high school? Not a crime. Fight at the low income area public high school? Crime.

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No one but Deutsche Bank is surprised by this.

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Totally the move of a country with nothing to hide and definitely isn't reaponsible for any atrocities. My question is why bother with laws when Isreal has already murdered multiple journalists this week with little outcry coming of it.

Japans attitude to foreigners who decide to try and live there isn't helping this problem either.

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Metalheads stay winning. \M/

The man who doesn't know a consequence from a clitoris again broke the rules. Shocking, I wonder how they're gonna gently corrale him this time while his supporters go on a murder mission.

For what its worth I'd wager more bugs have fruit inside them then fruit that has bugs inside.

I've moved on to DnD style ethics, if something bad happens to someone whos evil aligned, that action is a good action. The old ethics were written for the powerful in an attempt to justify their power and demonize any challenges to it. I don't require specifics anymore. Its good and funny when bad things happen to bad people. And the worse the things, the funnier it gets.

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Fox News was founded October 7th 1996, just over 27 calendar yesrs ago. Remember when all the racists were emboldened by Trump being elected, Imagine the slow and steady change after giving them their own justification media machine that spreads FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt) for profit of everyone who pays them including weapons manufactureres.

So either you suck at forecasting your own production, or you suck at production enough to not hit your forecast? And you want other people to pay you more because you don't have a good handle on your buisness?

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Knowing he can swoop into Tesla and start making decisions that over rule the experts that work there like he did at twitter should scare people who can't afford to just buy another EV if it happens to Tesla.

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An Iranian informant who gets intel from Russia most likely. Not gonna make excuses for them, but they're clearly being played by Iran, and Iran got the flare up it wanted. The US is already retaliating on Iran so I'd imagine there's some credence that Iran was deeply involved.

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Ohio is not an expensive place to move to comparatively, not yet anyway. I think this gives a lot of hope and options to people living around Ohio to move there for the safety and the grass. These two laws together, despite the GOPs best efforts, make Ohio an attractive option and the states gonna see growth as people and buisness take advantage of that.

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They just say whatever they don't like hurts black people these days, like apparently free tax filing and student loan forgiveness. Ya know what actually hurts black people? The police.

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Organized religion is a poison masquerading as a cure. The opium of the people as it were. I will never cause trouble for a religious person who doesn't cause trouble for others, but organized religion I can not abide.

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Great, the fucking crusades are back.

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95% if you use a macbook, the keyboard they configured the algorithm with.

Good luck, ain't this the guy democracy failed to keep out of power despite criminal offenses? Hope 80% is enough.

You don't act like she has expecting to be re-elected. She's had her escape plan since she decided to be who she is.

No indication that any of the returning matter ever made it beyond the event horizon but how wild would it be if matter can come back from that somehow, would shatter current understand of the phenom.

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My boss and I were talking about this and all it did was have us undermine the support the US gives Isreal. Weather you like the funding or not Ukraine recieving war money from the US is probably one of if not the most 'just' place war money goes as contradictory as something like war and justice can be.

I'd pull up his twitter history from the days in question and I bet we can calculate hours of time he found to be able to tweet

With the US at Israels back, lets not pretend the UN wasn't always optional for them anyway.

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Marx is spinning in his grave, of course they are. You don't need to be a communist to read his book. Its called Capital, its almost entirely about capitalism, and much of the critique AND techniques he used for the critique (Dialectics) have become foundational in other aspects of modern society. They should make people read this in school, the only communist teacher I ever had in college made us young lefties who signed up read Milton Friedman and John Smith FIRST. The baby daddies of capitalism, and we did because not knowing only makes us dumber. Why are we dead set on not making ourselves smarter? Remember when General Milley said even he's read Marx, there's reasons for that.

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