Israel to refuse visas to UN officials after Guterres speech on Gaza war to – 242 points –
Israel to refuse visas to UN officials after Guterres speech on Gaza war

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With the US at Israels back, lets not pretend the UN wasn't always optional for them anyway.

I would love to see the US abandon Israel and let them pay for their own military/genocidal operations, but I know that's unpossible in the current political climate.

It’s only impossible if you stay silent. Call your congress people. Tell them how you feel about it. Make a case for pushing peace and not giving militar aid.

(Imo all aid should be in the form of supporting peace talks or protecting civilians, but I don’t know what the second part would look like.)

I have reached out to my congresscritters, but I'm in a gerrymandered area and mainly have trump nuts gargling toadies that would rather let the country burn than dare let people they don't agree with have a voice.

That's why I say it's unpossible, because I don't have the dosh to influence the idiots into not being war mongering fucksticks that actually care about anyone brown or without money.

That's not to say I'm not still trying, I just can see I'm pissing into the wind.

If it's somehow any consolation, I'm in a place where it's the opposite and I could vote for anything and the democrats would win regardless, and whenever I try to push my representatives on issues that don't align with where the party already is, I get what is essentially an automated response.

How funny, after writing the above I searched my reps name in my inbox to go through some past ones, and the last one where I wasn't just urging them to follow through on trump was the Israel Palestine conflict centered around Sheikh Jarrah in 2021. I asked him to make it matter in the next budget. All I got was a semi pre-written response where my senator said he supported asking for a ceasefire. Maybe I'm the moron for asking my senator to stand up and ask the rest of congress to give Israel less money instead of just asking for them to stop shooting. Everyone's asking them to stop shooting, not everyone has real power to change the conditions that allows the shootings, I thought that was the point of appealing to the government.

Israel is the US' key military foothold in the region, that's the deal and that's going to prevent anything more than a light rebuke.

you might be right, but the reality is yanking US support is an existential crisis for Israel.

we have more leverage in that game.

There are small town mayors with more power than the entire UN. The whole thing is optional.