3 Post – 173 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

What's crazy is that a lot of niche hobby/lifestyle people found eachother anyway pre-internet. Shopping cart drag races, downhill shovel events, a lot of counter culture movements, early body modification, all manner of shit. People get into some seriously wierd/niche/one-off stuff and given a little time, they'll find someone else that's into the same thing. It's like electrons in a post big-bang universe, they sort of attract each other. The internet has made it way easier for people to find their tribes, but they used to find them anyway.

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I admit I didn't read the article throughly, but surely if it's impossiblely thin it can't exist. I only bring this up because I'm an obnoxious pedant.

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Wasn't her husband though. "Boebert, 36, noted that she and her date, Quinn Gallagher, a 46-year-old reported Democrat and bar owner whose establishment has hosted drag shows, have decided not to see each other again."

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The net brings us together but it also brings the haters and drama. I knew I knew this dude from something.

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I quit smoking pot and no longer enjoy the Spin Doctors. Well, that's half true. I heard them straight one day and decided if that's the kind of thing I like when I'm high, I should quit.

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I'm a Star Wars fan. Tell me about it.

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Yeah. It's funny, my cousin is a few years younger than me but has no memory of the world pre-net. I told him the story of how we used to have to do things and it blew his mind.

Ex. Cowboy Bebop. Me and a buddy heard a thing on Terry Gross about the soundtrack one day driving home from work. They played a few seconds of Tank! Man, we were hooked instantly. So we changed directions and went to, where? Where do you go? Blockbuster? FYE? Game store? Comicbook store! They'll have it! So we went to every comic shop in the area (we knew them all because we would get MtG cards every payday). A couple had a DVD or two. How many episodes were there? How many seasons? How long would our search take? It was a treasure hunt. Calling game stores, calling small video stores. Finding one DVD at a time but not in order. It was like that for everything. And honestly, I think it gave things a greater value.

I love being able to answer almost any question instantly. When I'm listening to an audiobook, if there's a word I'm not sure of, I can pause, get a definition, and go back to my book without even looking at my screen or touching my phone. But there's deff a sense of flippancy to everything now that wasn't there before. Bad or good, I don't know, it is what it is. But I do miss the hunt for new stuff.

This is the case. Check out the old Re:Search zines/books. Each is about some wired niche thing and has a bunch of contributions from different people. Folx have always been into strange things, and folx have always found kindred spirits, the internet makes it easier to find, abd troll, them.

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Yeah. I'm not sure it's better this way though.

Sorry, habbit from writting emails recently to someone that is, enthusiastic, about inclusion.

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Yeah. It's a thing but I'm not sure how much it really helps. I'll do it because if it makes people feel better, it's easy, but I honestly think folks is fine. The person I do this for specificly is cis, has cis kids, has a cis husband, is a member of a community that is largely not only cis, but white and female. To me it comes across as preformitve. But it makes dealing with her, and a few others, easier. If there were a real movement to adopt folx, I'm in but like I say, it seems like our effort could be better spent elsewhere.

I'm in the building sciences. The biggest unanswered question we come up against almost daily is "what the fuck was the last guy thinking?". And we avoid, daily, admitting we were the last guy somewhere else.

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Because this isn't an act. This really is who he is. He's not showing off for the cameras, it's not calculated to get attention. He is exactly one layer deep. This is it. This is who he is. An old, fat, spoiled child that has never been told "no" in any meaningful way and has been surrounded by yesmen and sycophants his entire life. He behaves like this around cameras, he behaves like this in a one on one meeting.

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What a fucking kook. Even the other kooks think you're a fucking kook.

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Yeah. I try not to mention it to people if I can avoid it. I work construction and am surrounded by manly men tring to out man each other. I had one guy offer me bear jerkey and got bent out of shape when I declined. He wouldn't stop. He just kept on me about why I didn't eat meat. After about an hour of him asking again and again why I don't eat meat I said "meat's another word for dick and eating dick is gay". As problematic as it was, it worked.

It never cases to amaze me that a 250pound dude with a 40oz soda in one hand and a mouthfull of gas station pizza thinks he has the responsibility to lecture me about nutrition.

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When my dad died. I was 46. My mom had died 7 weeks before. I realized I had no one to turn to anymore and I was at the top of the trouble ladder. I wasn't stoked about it. I'm still not.

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It has nothing to do with the amount. It's all about fucking the other guy.

I've done work in homes and overhead clients bragging to other owners about how much they fucked the contractor for. Like, they have conversations about it. And it'll be a few dozen grand on a multi million dollar home.

In one development there was a kind of club for these guys. They'd go and get drinks and just boast about who they fucked over and for how much. I know this because one of them was the contractor that got fucked. He was in on it. He actually played the game with them. He never really lost mo ey though. He'd just not pay the subs. It's OK though, he blew his brains out a few years ago so he doesn't play anymore.

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I had to be in twilight, that's where you're basicilly out but can just barely understand what's going on a bit. I was in and out and just absolutely baked. At one point I looked at the anesthesiologist and asked for a little more. He got concerned and asked if I could feel anything? I said "no, no I can't. I'm just having a really good time". I'm not sure because he was wearing a mask and all, but I think he grinned and I have zero memory from then.

I mean, maybe? But other than wild speculation, is there any evidence?

Fucking /s because those of you that don't get it are dumb enough to think The Boys got all anti-you all of a sudden too.

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Not a pick up line but- "I don’t think I can do better than you and I know you can't do better than me, so I guess we should just get married." She sighed and said "yeah, you're probably right".

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Lol. Calm down snowflake. No reason to get offended. You have some big feelings about this but you don't have to be a wuss about it. You can sack up and face them.

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Remember when Dean had to drop out because he showed excitement about doing well?

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Yeah, this isn't suspicious in any way. Totally on the up and up.

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Agree. They're taking up space that could be used to post more about reddit.

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Shit hurts. It feels like you have sand in your eye. For days.

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I know Milly Bitchell is a rotten person. I know he's a liar. I know he manipulates people. I know he's a cheater. I know he has those dead, fish eyes. But the thing that bugs me the most about this piece of shit is that he wears his tie outside of his vest.

Rad but this was 3 years ago.

The magnet pulls the truck to the right. The truck pulls the magnet to the left. They both have the same amount of pull. No one wins this tug-o-war.


It's a rip from cassette days when there were dire warnings of "Home taping is killing music. And it's illegal". There were some concerns about home sewing doing the same thing but even the doom sayers knew it was kind of lame to make too big a stink about. Now it's more a call to arms to diy.

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I really hope so but the absolute shit show when he does is going to be insane. The conspiracy theories will be like nothing ever imagined. It's going to be nuts. I'd look forward to it but I could see it getting violent.

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I have 3 kids. I've never lied to them about Santa. I've always told them that the idea behind Xmas was kindness and giving and left it at that, and that the whole Santa thing was just a fun story to play along with, like the tooth fairy or social equality.

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She's too loud. She'd try to get the spotlight and we can't have that. We don't share the spotlight.

This just raises more questions. Can the person this ad is aimed at even read? Is this ad seriously suggesting to rape his date as an alternative to raping his daughter?

Remember, betting red isn't a 50/50 chance of winning. 0 and 00 are green. So your odds at winning are about 48% with 0, or 47% with 00. Same with odd/even bets. There's a reason casinos add the 0's. They aren't in the business to give you money.

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Yeah, they'll revisit it. *looking through the pages of law "Yeah, looks good. Let's do lunch."

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Yo, calm down there Holmes. I'm a pro. I put gravel in there to filter out the big chunks.

Watership Down.

Any minute now the study on whether or not rocks are hard is coming out too. Big week in science.