Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene removed from US House Freedom Caucus to politics – 868 points –
Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene removed from US House Freedom Caucus

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What a fucking kook. Even the other kooks think you're a fucking kook.

Too batshit crazy for the Freedom Caucus is batshit crazy indeed.

The sad thing is it was because she called Bobert a little bitch and supported Kevin McCarthy. Not because of wanting to impeach the president over nothing or jewish space lasers or whatever batshit crazy things come out of her mouth.

They removed her from the caucus for saying something true.

The only power she had was because she was aligned with these bozos and could be part of a voting bloc that Mccarthy needs to stay in power. Now that she's out in the cold she'll lose all her perks and privileges (and insider info on what stocks are going to crash tomorrow) . I doubt she even runs for reelection.

Oh, she'll run. It's a way of raising money and getting attention. Pocket all the PAC money the rubes donate, scream and wail for more attention, get on the talkshows that will have you, and repeat.

Yep. Still has plenty of name recognition, and it's not like she's got a ton better opportunities to continue the grift than to keep running for election. This will simply be a pivot to show that she's not as extreme as those crazies on the ultra-far-right, but still to the right of those 'communists' that are running the GOP these days.