6 Post – 232 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Charlie Brooker stopped making Black Mirror because of that user

We have Project 2025 out there literally announcing the end of democracy should a republican president be voted in. Their plan is to enact Schedule F which allows the prez to kick people from the senate and place his own chosen people there and to allow the prez to essentially take over the whole executive branch of the government.


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I hope her creative resistance doesn't get incorporated as part of the brand of her workplace.

EDIT: To the downvoters:

Brands have begun to incorporate some imperfections into their marketing. For example the Deutsche Bahn, our german railway company, are sometimes making jokes about how their trains are notoriously late. Are they making their service better? No. Or not noticeably so far. I think McDonalds have also made jokes about their broken soft ice machines and they did not do anything to make them more reliable. According to iFixit, they and the company making the machines have actively fought against a small company that wanted to make a tool to making fixing these machines easier.

So that's why i hope that our wig-wearing heroine doesn't just get incorporated into the marketing instead of being allowed to show her pink hair.

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Oh, would you look at the time! It's the year of the fediverse!

So you like source code? Well then! HAVE ALL THE SOURCE CODE IN THE WORLD!

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(throws grandma out of the bus)

Mrs. Prager, i've done it. I've stopped classism!

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The App Store rule reads more like the platform itself needs the ability to block users, not the users on the platform. Which X has but they barely use it. I wonder when the german court system will punish X because they have ceased to follow the NetzDG (oversimplified: Ban users who violate the law) and there is no one on the platform to enforce NetzDG.

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It's not the same as 22 years ago. What is the difference? Well, Microsoft tricks you into making Edge your default browser with every bigger update.

Windows 10: "oh uuuuh (sweats profusely) hi user-senpai. I made this cute browser, it's called edge and you would make me so happy if you used it."

Me: (looks for "No" button", sighs and then clicks "Later" button on the bottom left)

Windows 10: "oh noooo (sobs uncontrollably) can you at least import your bookmarks and stuff into edge"

Me: (clicks whatever button because that window too lacks a clear "No" button)

Windows 10: "Yaaaay! Thank you user-senpaaaaai! I promise that one day you'll have yes to Edge! I will make it the greatest browser ever!"

I'm in the process to migrate to Void Linux because of this and other issues.

EDIT: I got 3 downvotes so far and i want to say... i see you. I got the hint. The text lacks a Yandere vibe that Microsoft has going on 😄.

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Apple cites security concerns for killing PWAs in europe. I mean they could‘ve made changes to the system to allow running PWAs in other browser engines by offering an API in which other applications could hook themselves into, akin to how Android did it with the web activity that is used by other apps.

But then that would mean conceding to the EU and we can‘t have that, can we?

If it really has to be a Chromium browser, Vivaldi will do the trick.

And if you REALLY take security seriously, LibreWolf is based on Firefox but without the annoying stuff from Mozilla attached to it.

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Say sike right now

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I did not hit her. It's not true. It's bullshit. I did not hit her. I did naaaht.

Oh hi Mark.

This discomfort usually comes up if you expect a trans kid (most likely trans girl) to show their genitals (usually a dick) to you or your kids. That does not happen. This is what conservatives want you to think though when they ban trans kids (or even trans people of all ages) from using the toilet matching their gender.

This doesn't happen because most of the time trans people are not comfortable with their genitals anyway. But even if they are: They don't show their genitals because they want to take a dump in the toilet.

Besides: I find the confidence of conservatives truly remarkable that they think that a trans woman will go around and show them their dick. Conservatism is not sexy for us at all, nevermind sexy enough that we get naked on the spot.

You know what is sexy enough to make us undress on the spot? Consent! There's nothing more sexy than a consenting partner!

Also what dismalnow said.

Why would someone downvote this post? We have a problem and it's in our best interest to fix that.

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I wonder why ad tech can‘t be „Let‘s show ads that correspond to what‘s being talked about on that website.“ Kinda like what Google suggested with Topics but without following me through the internet.

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It's already too late since World War II already happened. Donald Trump tried his best but World War II happened. We could keep warning people about Biden but unfortunately he will enter the time machine anyway and tell young aspiring artist Adolf Hitler that his art isn't that good. He will have tried to tell Adolf in the nicest way possible to ensure that Adolf won't take this wrong. Perhaps he will have tried to encourage Adolf to keep pursuing art as a hobby and maybe try studying art again later. But the fact that World War II happened shows that nothing that Biden will have tried has worked.

I had such an apologetic coming up to me. When i told them my name was "'Julia'); DROP TABLE neighborhoods;" they were immediately irate!

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"Be the shit you want to post in the world." (Mahatma Gandhi, Civilization)

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Don't forget that we can unceremoniously dump info onto people. Or UDP as we call it.

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Lithium: It's what phones crave!

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I wish LG was still on the market. I would have loved to buy the LG Velvet plus the second screen case. However no carrier offered the phone with a contract.

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Not quite comparable. Trans girls are cuter and rock heels waaay better! But perhaps it's also the non-genocidal vibes that i love.

I personally don't because i never took the time to get used to heels. That and Chelseas are also cute :3

I stand with Eggman, the only president to PISS ON THE MOON! HOW DO YA LIKE THAT, OBAMA? I PISSED ON THE MOON YOU IDIOT!

Nice try, FBI!

You are aware though what is good and what is not. The easiest way i know to make memes is using the app Meme Generator. I bought it years ago and it continues to serve me well to this day.

I craved the strength and certainty of Pepto-Bismol.

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're refering to as iPad OS, is in fact, GNU/Unix/NextSTEP/Mac OS X/iPad OS, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Unix plus NextSTEP plus Mac OS X plus iPad OS. iPad OS is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another closed source component of a fully functioning Apple system made useful by the NextSTEP corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS more or less abiding to POSIX.

My gf and me watched both Oppenheimer and Barbie a few weeks before we got together. I loved both movies equally and my gf definitely preferred Oppenheimer.

So basically we had a bad apple that was probably already defederated by everyone else.

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Perhaps LineageOS could help. Or GrapheneOS.

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Give us freedom to die from a preventable death or give us death!

That's nobody's business but the turks.

Microsoft still makes money off the OEM licenses AFAIK. The Linux community had a whole day about this back in the 90s.

You know i'm not a fan of guns but this makes me think about buying an anti aircraft weapon...

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Before you do make a decision, allow me to bring up a point you should consider...

(proceeds to rub all the bellies)

I think the only proper reaction is to get schwifty in here.

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You know what. I'm gonna turn into a queen even harder!

Does thou feel it now, Mr. Krabs?

Paul: "How could you eat MY face?"
Carl: "It's quite simple actually: I took a look at your face, found it tasty, tool a little bite and ate it."
Paul: "That doesn't answer my question!"
Carl: "I remember you specifically giving me permission to, and i quote, 'eat all these faces'."
Paul: "Yeah, i was hoping that you wouldn't eat MY face! The face of your buddy, your best friend, your... soulmate."
Carl: "You could have been a bit more specific then. Now your face is gone. I ate it. And it was quite delicious."
Paul: "... Caaaaaarl."
Carl: "Really delicious! Yum!"

I think the bigger question is: Are these one million people? Or is it a "one million moms" thing?

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