Donald Trump vows to lock up political enemies if he returns to White House to – 1181 points –

Former president tells Glenn Beck he would have ‘no choice’ but to lock up opponents ‘because they’re doing it to us’


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We have Project 2025 out there literally announcing the end of democracy should a republican president be voted in. Their plan is to enact Schedule F which allows the prez to kick people from the senate and place his own chosen people there and to allow the prez to essentially take over the whole executive branch of the government.


Thought you were joking but it's holy shit it's real. The heritage foundation even has an article about it.

Yeah I was thinking "what in the tinfoil hat is this guy rambling about"... So I looked it up and holy fuck it is legit the Republicans plan for thier next administration.

Here's a PBS article for anyone that wants to read some info on it:

Holy shit. Reality is so crazy lately that it seems more and more made up every year.

It’s fucking clinical, honestly. Like, how are even Republicans down for this shit?

For the last 20 years Fox News and conservative media have been demonizing Democrats as anti-American and disloyal and trying to actively intentionally destroy America. They also are given this propaganda that they’re the real Americans and the only thing left to save the world, so that mindset gives them permission to end democracy to save their way of life.

Delusional. And then I know some of them have just always been republican so they keep voting that way regardless. Like, damn, wake up to the bullshit around you. This isn’t a matter of differing ideologies anymore - this is a matter of fighting for keeping the right to vote about those differing ideologies.

Hello viewers, before we sign off I’d like to remind you that you are the superior human even though you are oppressed and can’t get anything you deserve, and that those other people are idiotic soft weaklings just preparing to take over and destroy us all!

It's the tea party. They infiltrated the Republican party hard core.

How can the Republican Party infiltrate itself. They're already members of them self. Therefore they cannot infiltrate themselves because they're already part of themselves.

The tea party was complete AstroTurf from the start. Run by well-known Republicans for republicans.

Holy fuck. What. I read through the articles on this and they don't touch on much of what it actually says. Most of it is just quotes. But the guardian has this bit about them dismantling the EPA and, among other things, making it illegal for the EPA to raise emission restrictions.

At least the end of the world will happen in my lifetime...

Jesus fuck, I’m so glad someone else is panicking about their plans. Not too long ago, I finally realized the whole idea of these shitty laws being enacted in red states is a strategy to chase lefties out so that they control enough states to start a constitutional convention.

We fucking should be panicking, this is insane!!!

Do you realize how many people would have to be in on a conspiracy like that?

It's not really a conspiracy, because groups have been openly advocating for it since like 2009

It's not even something they hide. They run on it.


Here's the website for a conservative group that pushes for it.

Idk how everyone seems to miss it - it's why Republicans have been angling for such extreme gerrymandering since 2010 and want to dominate state legislatures so much

There's no need for formal conspiracies when all of these economic and political elites share the same ideology, which they learned from their environment growing up in similar positions of privilege within the dominant culture.

George Carlin

Dude/dudette, I just want to say thank you for making us aware of this. It's batshit, and it absolutely does need to be blasted on all channels.

Mainstream media wants it to happen and is owned by the very people who designed it.

As bad as Project 2025 looks I couldn't see anything about kicking out senators, "just" federal employees.
Any sources on the more extreme claims?

You kick out the federalist that do things like, investigate overturning elections, and suddenly the midterms are all republican wins.

From there, you have someone who can get power passed to change things like presidential term limits. Now you have a king or an emperor with a bunch of yes men backing him up in decisions. Eventually, they can institute whatever policies they want and force states, by force, to enact what they want with military power and courts who rule in their favor.

Oh, but there are people in the military who will stand up and do what’s right? Well, they will be branded as wackos and enemies of the state who are speaking ill of the totally “legit” election. So they are put in front of a firing squad and all that’s left are those who already believe in Der Fuhrer.

It’s a complete shit show in the making and fucking frightening what they could do with disinformation and no checks.

You're definitely right. I spent a good minute going through the guide but the most nefarious stuff was gaining complete control of the executive branch. This guide is like a first step for a first term. Well brb guys, going to figure how to take over the government with only the executive branch.

Is the army part of the executive? If yes, then... idk, build a shelter, leave, arm yourself or just accept your new overlords.

Theoretically a president could call the army to throw out dissidents. In practice... i think the army is right-leaning but i don't think that they would simply follow through. It depends.

Per section 4 DOD I should be getting some brownie point by providing more goodies to each branch even the space force. I would also be making adjustments to the culture to make sure there's no woke people. Personal army wise I think my best bet will be to use ice since they fall under Homeland security. There was a note somewhere about removing the restrictions of where they can operate.

Don't lie or spread misinformation. The language says they would find ways to BYPASS the senate in some circumstances. Still terrible but disinformation will cause people to not believe the legitimate warnings.

You are correct. Page 168 has the "An Aggressive Approach to Senate-Confirmed Leadership Positions" section, laying out how to bypass senate confirmed positions. Still nothing about kicking members of Congress.

That book they’re selling is like a modern “Mein Kampf.” It’s very interesting because I know quite a few moderate conservatives who wouldn’t ever support the policy proposed in this book, but they are still going to vote red because they believe it will fix the economy.