McConnell appears to freeze while speaking with reporters in Kentucky to politics – 1169 points –
McConnell appears to freeze while speaking with reporters in Kentucky | CNN Politics

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell appeared to freeze for about 30 seconds on Wednesday while speaking with reporters after a speech in Covington, Kentucky.

The incident is similar to an episode McConnell experienced at the US Capitol late last month and is likely to raise additional questions about the fitness of the 81-year-old to lead the Senate Republican caucus.

Wednesday’s episode occurred when a reporter asked the Republican leader if he was planning to run for reelection in 2026. McConnell had to ask him to repeat the question several times, chuckled for a moment, and then paused.

Someone at his side then asked him, “Did you hear the question, senator, running for reelection in 2026?” McConnell did not respond.

Article includes video of the incident.


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I love how republicans will say Biden is too old and make fun of him while also down playing this BS...

Both can be true. I doubt Biden is the one making decisions. This guy is too old and both parties are as corrupt as it comes on this earth.

Oh both can be true, but acting like only one is, well that's peak hypocrisy.

Also, yes both parties are corrupt, I'd agree with that, they're out there enjoying the lobbying on both sides. But the corruption on one side is on VERY different levels.

I think both men are clearly too senile to make any decisions on their own. McConnell more than Biden, but both for sure.

Stating "acting like only one is" is in itself implying that only one side is stating this, thus creating your own hypocrisy. Slam dunk on that theory when your final line brings corruption into the argument which is irrelevant to the topic, as both sides are doing it. Regardless of party, people who are senile should not be in office.

Non American commenting here. Just want to see people make kind, and considerate word choices. Let's bring people together. There are kind loving people, and there are hateful discriminating people on BOTH sides. If the scales are tipped towards one of those sides, we should not discriminate against the kind loving people still left on that side.

lol okay you clearly need to brush up on american politics because no one who supports the party of not feeding or housing poor children is loving

Yes, there are bad people on both sides, but acting like both sides are equal is naive. One side is taking away health rights and literally banning books and outlawing the teaching of sexual education and slavery. A pretty good litmus test is if your side is banning books, you're on the wrong side of history.

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