Could child labor ever be acceptable if it's done consentually? to – -47 points –

While child labor is viewed negatively, apparently child labor and child slavery aren't the same thing, and child labor though it could still be exploitative/cruel in other ways, can be done voluntarily by the child, and with fair treatment/compensation/etc.

I suppose you could make the argument that any child labor opens itself up to problems, but could it be done responsibly? And if not, then at what age do we draw the line of labor being not ok regardless of consent?


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Stop trying to turn lemmy into reddit

Weird take. Stop trying to make reddit out to be unique in any fashion. There are no unique things to the type of people on reddit or to what would be done on reddit. It was a bunch of people (and bots). People are people.

What do you mean by that?

The only people who in 2023 goes online and asks ridiculous questions like "is child labor really that bad" are epic redditeurs.

I've got some bad news for you: that's the entire internet. Maybe if you were familiar with more than just Reddit, you'd know that. 🤷‍♂️