Baldur's Gate 3 - Patch #2 Now Live! - Steam News to – 178 points –
Baldur's Gate 3 - Patch #2 Now Live! - Steam News

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That is great turnaround time, but I hope they aren't crunching like crazy to get these patches out the door. I'm fine waiting an extra week or two if it means the devs aren't being worked to the bone.

Eh, release season is the crunch season. Hopefully they're being properly compensated and have a downtime planned once things quiet down.

Unfortunately with games like Starfield inbound, keeping player retention means patching things the players aren't happy with. They may be crunched but I hope they're being compensated well for it and get a long break after

Doubt they are cruching. They have a team of 450 people working on the game.