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Joined 1 years ago

I'm really happy they're seeing good demand. Fully upgradable laptops have been a dream of mine for years and I've been thinking when it's time for me to replace mine, the Framework would be at the top of my list.

“There is not a lot of history of laziness being rewarded with success. Hard work is an essential ingredient in any recipe for success.”

Says the corporate executive whose success is measured entirely by the hard work of others.

He must have been furious when Microsoft released the Xbox

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He's post-birth, so I supposed there's still time.

You ever had a deep fried burrito? That shit is life changing and good enough reason for me to keep going.

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These two need to just fuck and get it over with already

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Seriously, wake me when accountability actually happens.

How very Christian of them.

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If anyone demands I implement some feature into one of my open source projects that I either don't have time for or don't want to do, my response is one of the following:

  1. I'll get to it when I can (if I actually care to do it)
  2. You are welcome to implement it yourself and submit a PR
  3. You are welcome to fork the project and do it yourself or convince someone else to do it

But thankfully, my projects don't have a very wide audience, so requests/demands are rare.

That is great turnaround time, but I hope they aren't crunching like crazy to get these patches out the door. I'm fine waiting an extra week or two if it means the devs aren't being worked to the bone.

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Excuse you, but Riccitiello retired. Sure, it was at the last minute with absolutely no transition plan ahead of time, but it was totally voluntary and not at all forced by the board!

(/s if it wasn't obvious)

I've been working on a single bug for nearly 3 weeks. I think my "I'm getting closer to understanding this" is starting to lose credibility with my team.

In the last 3 months, I've managed to get 2 interviews and the last one ghosted me. It's still pretty bad for some of us.

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Wait, are you telling me that business ethics are actually a real thing? I thought somebody made that up as a meme. Every corporate executive I've ever worked for has been a borderline, if not full blown, sociopath obsessed with nothing more than getting richer at everyone else's expense. Maybe they all skipped that class?

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This makes me irrationally angry.

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Which means it'll probably be training on literally everything you do on the computer and reporting it all back to Microsoft

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Listen, I'm sure Mexico will be sending us a check for that border wall any day now.

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Physical punishment in schools is still a thing??? I had to endure that back in the 90s, but I thought for sure people would have figured out better ways to discipline kids by now.

Listen, I built enough lego bridges back in the day to know I ain't trusting that.

Cool, we desperately need this. Shame it'll die in the senate.

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We get to have a little dictatorship as a treat.

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Only a small group of Texans seriously talk about secession, and of course they haven't the first clue what that would actually mean for them. But, there's also the super awkward juxtaposition between wanting to secede and be an "American patriot", so those idiots can't even agree on what they actually want other than to hate minorities.

Bobby Kotick keeps a close eye on all the girls at Blizzard.

As much as I can't stand John Riccitiello, anyone with RSUs will have vested stocks sold on a fixed schedule to cover taxes. They don't get to choose when or how much is sold as long as they have their RSUs configured as sell to cover. The executives are no different in this regard, except they have a great deal more stocks than the average employee. However, this doesn't absolve them of the awful new pricing structure. That shit should have been walked back before it ever left the planning stages.

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Somebody get that poor pig out of there before the car explodes

Top half: Just a baby

Bottom half: Still just a baby

As mentioned by others, he "retired" a few months ago, but he's not the only one at fault. Many of the other executives contributed to the terrible decision making that landed the company in its current situation and they need to be cut loose as well.

I use a 1tb ssd for the os/apps with my raid5 strictly for storage. Kinda nice if the os needs to be reinstalled or I want to migrate the raid cluster.

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That's it exactly. In addition to over-hiring during COVID, the massive spending spree from a ton of over-inflated, short-sighted acquisitions ever since the IPO absolutely demolished the company's budget. Cutting Weta Digital was only the tip of this latest iceberg.

Late 30s here and I beat that level for the first time very recently. My mind was blown when I learned that was not the final level of the game.

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That was my thinking. A friend of mine has had a Polestar 2 for about a year now and absolutely loves it. Hasn't had a single problem with it. Like with conventional vehicles, some brands are just shit for quality and others are great.

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I'm feeling very called out by this question.

As a fellow Unity employee, I feel that right down to my bones. If the job market for software devs didn't suck so hard, I would have left a while ago. Compartmentalization is the only coping mechanism I have to keep myself going.

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Maybe you should think a little more about the shareholders and little less about yourself. /s

I always called that the Shapiro technique, but Ramble-swamble is so much better.

You misunderstand, we're in the mirror universe.

Has this guy ever tried reading Mein Kampf? My grandma had a copy when I was a kid (I don't think she was a nazi...) and I looked at it once out of curiosity. It read like incoherent nonsense to me at the time. I always figured it would have been more useful as fire kindling or compost for a garden.

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Damn near everything in Nier Gestalt/Replicant. That game wrecks me every time I play it.

I usually go with "None of that"

When I have no choice but to interact with people, I do my best to treat them with respect. However, I would say I'm generally ambivalent toward people overall and do my best to avoid them. I'm just not a social person and I never will be. Being forced into social settings is exceptionally stressful to me.