CDPR Blames Lack Of Cyberpunk 2077 DLC On Move To Unreal to – 53 points –

CDPR is eager to move on from the Red Engine, explaining why Phantom Liberty is the only Cyberpunk 2077 DLC.


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Blame is too laden a word here.

TL;DR: CDPR have opted to shutter their in-house engine, Red Engine (which CP2077 was built on) in favour of a partnership with Unreal. Most of their devs have now switched to Unreal; with only those left on the upcoming CP2077 release still using Red Engine 4.

They have opted to no longer work at all on the Red Engine projects; ergo they either port CP to Unreal (an incomprehensibly large task given that Unreal doesn’t support many features that Red does, or at least not in the way Red does - not a slight on Unreal, simple reality of different engines, especially internal vs external tooling), or cease further development of CP. They opted for the latter.

A shame, though. I remember them saying there will be more DLCs. To be fair, in their first teaser they said they'll release when it's ready which they also failed to do.

Part of me thinks/hopes they also aren't putting too much attention on it because they want their upcoming games to be more on the quality level of witcher 3 than CP2077. At least I hope.

That will definitely involve dropping last gen consoles from the support list…which is a move I hope they do

Yep, that's what I hope for as well. Witcher 3 is a masterpiece to this day. I'm curious about what the Witcher 1 remaster will look like. I recently made the original work with a controller on my Steam Deck and it feels very nostalgic.

How did you get it running on your steam deck I'm actually almost done with a Witcher 3 playthrough right now just finishing up the last DLC and then I wanted to replay the first two but saw there's some issues

Not sure where you've got it bought, but I pretty much installed it using Heroic (I have it on GOG), then added it to Steam as a non-Steam game (with Heroic it's a one click operation) and then simply found a Steam Input config that works well. I can check the config name if you want.

Damn I have it on steam, but I bet I can pick it up on sale for dirt cheap on GOG when I wanna play it. Maybe by then the steam version will work. Thanks