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Blame is too laden a word here.

TL;DR: CDPR have opted to shutter their in-house engine, Red Engine (which CP2077 was built on) in favour of a partnership with Unreal. Most of their devs have now switched to Unreal; with only those left on the upcoming CP2077 release still using Red Engine 4.

They have opted to no longer work at all on the Red Engine projects; ergo they either port CP to Unreal (an incomprehensibly large task given that Unreal doesn’t support many features that Red does, or at least not in the way Red does - not a slight on Unreal, simple reality of different engines, especially internal vs external tooling), or cease further development of CP. They opted for the latter.

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It isn’t. The point is that accruing back taxes requires payment and may, at the discretion of the IRS, mandate a criminal charge. He wasn’t charge at the time because he paid, but he could have been. So now they want him to have been.

However I think neither party really wants things to go this way, and Republicans are going to see lots of retaliatory investigation and charges brought over missed payments etc. should they pursue this.

A waste of time and money, doesn’t improve anything in the world, just creates more division. Basically the GOP motto.

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She didn’t stop it. She hasn’t heard a single case; but she did express an opinion on gerrymandering being bad, which likely got her elected, and refuses to recuse herself from cases on it. Basically the state republicans want to call it a conflict of interest, and then impeach; even though the bench (conservative majority at the time) wrote rules specifically to stop them needing to recuse in this way, several years back.

What’s worse is under WI they don’t need to actually have a trial to cause havoc. All they need to do is start a proceeding; then wait. She’ll be suspended from adjudicating at that point AND the governor can’t nominate a replacement.

Total, unashamed, politick. Imagine being this afraid of black voters in 2023.

Sounds a lot like the VR Missions and VR Missions Expansion for Metal Gear Solid.

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The First Person Stealth Sim genre (Thief, Dishonored, etc) has been getting very little love in the last few years. Sadly the Arkane games don’t embrace it anymore; while great Prey was borderline as you really couldn’t control the stealth in many sections, and Deathloop and Red Rain are primarily short action games.

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Honestly, I get your point, but I don’t think it’s necessarily a property of the scale, rather your increased familiarity with it. When someone says 68F I don’t have a mechanism to understand that, it’s not part of my experience. Saying 68% of too hot doesn’t help much at all. Whereas I can tell you exactly what I 40C feels like; and how that compares to anything from -15C to 45C, because of my familiarity with the scale.

I wouldn’t read into it; Deadline end most articles that mention a production with a small synopsis.

PS5 Short King it is.

It’s been a while since I did Xbox memory mapping (One X) but IIRC there is approx 2GB of ram withheld by the system, and then an additional one or two can be recalled by the system for the purposes of running things like background downloads, party chat, video chat. That means that when your game goes to cert it’s checked to be performant under max OS load; so 6GB. This causes lots of issues (and is a pain as even MS’s analytics indicated this was a use case that appeared almost never. From what I have heard since, these TCRs/XRs/FTCs having changed much.

I’m employed in Film and currently “stood down” while our actors are on strike. On one hand it’s great to have time to hit some of the games I’ve been hoarding, on the other, I may be playing them in a cardboard box come February.

Careers Fair; 2024

Teen: “Excuse me; how do I become a Tech Lead like you someday” Lead: “By simple luck of the draw I am the best at googling other people’s solutions to my team’s YAML config issues.”

Not to be confused with “No.”

I have, though even MD is getting on for 7 years old now. I don’t think that the series lived up to it’s roots in either title. I found myself feeling very constrained by them; I don’t necessarily mind if I have to play a character (Corvo is great as a Tabula Rasa) but Adam Jensen and his backstory are so fundamentally unlikeable.

Accruing back taxes can happen for a lot of reasons, one of which would be deliberate under reporting, which if a form of fraud. Hence why the IRS has the latitude to recommend charges if they feel the actions were significant and deliberate.

It’s important to remember that Trump’s current case he’s arguing he didn’t have the Mens Rea for deliberate fraud, so it’s weird to see GOP members discounting that argument as invalid with Biden.

I think the wording “console exclusive” is becoming quite wide spread, but for the avoidance of doubt, in the headline, I’d have avoided it perhaps.

But it doesn’t have the same name…

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I used to classify these as PICNIC.

Problem In Chair, Not In Computer.

You’ve perhaps compared the wrong niche though. Game streamers are the Harlem Globetrotters; you’re not there to watch excellent gaming, but entertaining gaming. Whereas esports are the equivalent to competitive sports.

That said; I too struggle to care about watching either. Even my old boss Limmy, no care for watching him stream.

If you don’t brine your old shit it goes off.

How about my smart watch? Or […] smart fridge?

Well it worked for Skyrim? They released that for my niece’s speak and spell.

My P1 teacher recognised me at 32…

I’m utterly befuddled by this woman; somehow she hates the idea of trans women so much that she’s now closely allied with Posie Parker, a woman who hates women, hates suffrage, has advocated for the removal of women’s rights for years, and shares closely held opinions from just right of Goebbels.

Somehow Jo has become so utterly single-minded, she’s paired with the antithesis of all the other things she believes in (and still claims to believe as justification of her anti-trans nonsense).

The wealth that comes from ill-spent teens, I suppose.

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That’s a great analogy and helps me understand your argument much better. There is something I think you’ve missed though, which is that advertisers pay to be in the publication, and they pay at the point the print occurs. Rendering in your browser is the analog to hitting the print button, not putting it on a server to be pulled down. In your analogy, the advertiser has paid already before you consume the magazine; but for YouTube the advertisers don’t pay as their adverts are never compiled into the magazine. If you want to write a browser that still calls the ads api and plays the video in the background so YouTube gets the ad revenue but you have “cut it out” then I don’t imagine google would care half as much.

I can feel the hot, hot wafts of NW England off this.

I do agree that, generally speaking, the Executive Branch isn’t designed to create laws, but it literally has these powers. PHEs, Martial Law, Executive Orders; the Executive Branch has tools in statute to meet the needs of crises.

I was arguing the context though tbf, I have my personal opinion on the ownership of weapons, however I’m not an any and all means person. That said, I leave an exemption in my thinking for emergencies, and the state of play in Albuquerque is pretty dire. Do I think it’s right to call an indefinite PHE? Probably not. Do I think it is an appropriate short term measure while longer term measures are considered? Probably yes.

The reason I bring up the curtailments in individual rights, regarding the second amendment, is to show there are many restrictions that are in place. The second amendment isn’t an absolute right at all times and in all ways; and it’s silly to think its power should outstrip other statutory tools being deployed in moderation.

Maybe I led the discussion in the wrong direction though, and for that I apologise, because I think the real question we both ponder is this, is a Public Health Emergency a moderate/proportional response to the situation at hand?

No, she held almost 2m, sold 25% and has 1.4m in remaining stock.

I am sorry but that argument simply doesn’t make an awful lot of sense to me. Unless I am missing a facet, you are saying that your autonomy outstrips their rights? If we were to make an analogue version of that argument would your autonomy to use your hands how you see fit, allow for you to walk into a shop and take something without paying? It seems like, unless I’ve missed something, that’s the analogy.

Commerce and indeed society has always been a balance of personal autonomy and rules, with YouTube you’re going to a website and circumventing their chosen rules. I might not agree with YouTube’s methods, but I don’t think I can get behind the argument they are impinging on your technical rights any more than Tesco does if you try to half-inch a chocolate bar.

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It excelled as a pass and play game, not too many of those about these days. Good for an evening of exploring spooky shit with a friend.

In fairness, they aren’t exactly advertised for their legal scenarios.

Yes, 35, UK. Drive an automatic now, but drove Manual until last year.

Also, children.

Well, in fairness to them, I learned I don’t want no Scrubs. Which is good as I think that aired on ABC

It’s a complete violation of the Constitution.

I think you might be over reaching there, unless all these concealed and open carry folk were members of a “well regulated militia” and nobody noticed… There are plenty of otherwise “infringing” restrictions on bearing arms; you can’t point a gun at a cop just because your right to bear arms is enshrined in the second amendment, you can’t wheel a functioning howitzer with you wherever you go. You can’t own a sawn-off shotgun.

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