Russia Has Deployed Its Last Reserve Division To Southern Ukraine. Did A Ukrainian Screw-Up Make That Possible? to – 52 points –
Russia Has Deployed Its Last Reserve Division To Southern Ukraine. Did A Ukrainian Screw-Up Make That Possible?

Harsh headline, but an interesting idea: Russia has redeployed its 76th Guards Air Assault Division to the Zaporizhzhia front to plug the Ukrainian breakthrough in Robotyne.

But this unit was until recently doing the same thing in Bakhmut.

Some indicators say the Ukrainian Eastern offensive near Bakhmut has ebbed in the last 2 weeks, which has theoretically freed up the 76th GAAD to be redeployed to the southern front.


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There is tangible evidence Ukraine's push south is working. There is no evidence they're failing on the eastern front. Forbes, please explain to me why forcing Russia's last reserves to reposition is a "screw up."