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If you told me 10 years ago Donald Fucking Trump would be the head of the largest American cult of all time...

Just... What the fuck guys? What the actual fuck.

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At this point I'm convinced she's literally in communication with his team or people once removed. This is the most slam dunk case ever. Did he have these documents? Yes. Was he allowed to? No.

Awesome. Get fucked.

It's crazy how Biden managed to weaponize all these separate judges at once, all these separate prosecutors, and all these laws written decades before his presidency. What a conspiracy.

Or maybe these shitheels are actually breaking the law.

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If the world didn't require actual leadership this would be funny. Except it does and these morons are in a position of influence. You have 8 people who value being on TV over lives, and over 200 people who will work with you if you don't tether everything to women's uteri.

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They were suspended by vote, then AFTER the vote results they said they had actually already quit. It was elementary school playground levels of "nuh uh" and within a year they tried to come back.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding you, but Armenians aren't muslims, they're majority Christian.

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The bullshit accusations go on for months if not years as well. For months and months they hear this nonsense and take it as fact. Then there is one day of "ha, we lied" which gets buried and forgotten and, as you said, back to step 1.

I cringe every time someone calls that moron "Coach," and that he apparently prefers that people do so. This isn't a game, "Coach." Try being a Senator for 5 fucking minutes.

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"We, the undersigned … hereby certify to you..."

Oh man, I wonder who else signed it...

looks at letter

Literally just this fuckstick.

Let me keep track of the most recent gerrymandering rulings: Republican maps violate constitution. Republican maps violate constitution. Republican maps violate constitution.

Outcome: Republicans re-submit maps that violate the constitution.

Judiciary: Well, it's close to an election, we can't make them change it now.

Ad nauseum.

And Trump grabbed people by the pussy. This is not new information. 2020 at the latest:

The voters for the party of "family values" stopped pretending to fake it a long time ago. And make no mistake, this is on the voters.

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Worrell had been on house arrest in Florida since November 2021.

Well, apparently not. Good call with the "house arrest" there fellas.

If you have to say "it's just a prank bro!" to a toddler, you might be an asshole.

At least Hubbard could form a complete sentence.

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Up to $7 per month to browse Reddit? I guess if people are willing to pay it then that's their business. I'm happy over here, personally.

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Docker with a gluetun container. This container's only role is to connect to my VPN provider. Any traffic I want through the VPN is set to use that container as its network. If the VPN goes down, gluetun loses connection, any container attached to gluetun can no longer access the internet.

I use a qbittorent docker container for my torrent client but you can attach whatever client you're comfortable with, as well as any other container you prefer be on a VPN.

While qbittorent has a built in kill switch, this works for everything. No VPN means no connection, period.

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Yes, they can appeal to the 11th circuit to have her removed. That's not an easy thing to do though.

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Over Donald Trump? These people know they worship Donald Trump?

If only this cult was more Jonestown and less Scientology.

I didn't watch, but this was taped, meaning they could add context retrospectively.

Trump repeatedly lied that Democrats advocate for post-birth abortion and abortions up to “five, six, seven, eight, nine months."

Did the host say "that is a lie?" Or did they at least put up text that said "This is false, post-birth abortion already has a clearer definition of 'murder' which is not a Democratic party platform."

He can claim he believes it all he wants. The indictment isn't just for what he said, it's for what he DID. No matter your beliefs you can't bully a secretary of state to try to get more votes, you can't conspire to have a bunch of fake electors, you can't order the Vice President to overrule the will of the voters.

"The indictment includes charges of conspiring to defraud the U.S., conspiring to obstruct an official proceeding, obstructing an official proceeding and violating a post-Civil War Reconstruction Era civil rights statute that makes it a crime to conspire to violate rights that are guaranteed by the Constitution — in this case, the right to vote."

There is nothing in those charges about what he said. For those at least, he can't hide behind the first amendment.

I'm more worried there's going to be one fucking dumbass on the jury who derails the whole thing into a mistrial, Trump wins the election, and pardons himself or pulls some other shenanigans to weasel out.

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"The American people expect us to govern,” said Sen. John Kennedy, R-La. “I’d also advise all of my House colleagues to be sure to take your meds.”

Can't wait to see that one on poster board behind Jamie Raskin at the next impeachment theater event.

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Jordan would be a shit-show of massive proportions. Which is saying something given that it would have to beat out the current shit-show.


Even though the votes on Thursday had clearly stacked up against Mr. Scalise, some of his allies were still surprised by his withdrawal announcement in a closed-door meeting. Several openly wept.

Congress being a circus shouldn't be funny, but holy shit I lost it at that one.

There is tangible evidence Ukraine's push south is working. There is no evidence they're failing on the eastern front. Forbes, please explain to me why forcing Russia's last reserves to reposition is a "screw up."

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Wasn't even there on January 6th. I point this out not because he was over-sentenced, but because everyone else was under-sentenced. For one separate case the judge said "I don't think I'll hand down a sentence 15 years below guidelines ever again in my career." Yeah. You shouldn't have done it this time either.

The "Christians being persecuted" crowd only care about Target selling shirts with rainbows.

They were actually the first Christian nation in 301 AD/CE. Not that state religion is great, but it's an interesting history given they were sandwiched between the Romans and the Parthians at the time and were pretty much a football between the Romans and whoever was nextdoor throughout the entirety of the Roman empire. If they aligned with "nextdoor" the Romans often ignored them as long as they didn't allow armies from nextdoor through. And when the Romans had their own puppet king over there, well, bully for them.

Not much has changed. Now they're sandwiched between Turkey, Azerbaijan, Iran, and Georgia, with Georgia being a Russian conduit at least militarily if not politically. And Turkey and Azerbaijan are effectively one and the same with Azerbaijian having a dash of Russian influence. That's not a great place to be if you're a tiny country served as an appetizer to the surrounding powers.

Anyway, welcome to my TED Talk.

Two things:

  1. Absolutely double down on this loser position, please, until you're voted the fuck out.

  2. Good luck. While I haven't combed through the Ohio constitution, I hope the legislative branch can't just remove the judicial, whole or piecemeal. Checks and balances and all that. But if you pull it off at least we can stop pretending this is a functional democracy of any kind, and all we have to sacrifice is Ohio. Maybe it'll wake up a few people who still think there's a middle ground to be found with the GOP.

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I couldn't agree more. I'll just add:

"Well, as soon as he realized what was going on, he should have left"

He did.

Milley realized too late that Trump, who continued across the street to pose for a now-infamous photo while standing in front of a vandalized church, was manipulating him into a visual endorsement of his martial approach to the demonstrations. Though Milley left the entourage before it reached the church, the damage was significant. “We’re getting the fuck out of here,” Milley said to his security chief. “I’m fucking done with this shit.” Esper would later say that he and Milley had been duped.

"He should have made these kinds of strong statements against his being dragged into that photo op much earlier."

He said this within a week, if that counts:

The week afterward, in a commencement address to the National Defense University, he apologized to the armed forces and the country. “I should not have been there,” he said.

As far as I'm aware, any comment he has ever made regarding the incident he has said it was a mistake.


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Last year saw the GOP take the house less than they were supposed to. That is not a win, it just felt nice. 2020 saw Biden win with an 80,000 vote swing. Things are so much closer than people seem to think. The game is rigged. The house is gerrymandered, the Senate is completely rigged in favor of less populous states, and the electoral college says "hello." I wish I had room to be angry at people like Manchin, but I don't. There isn't any.

Being a troll doesn't provoke "conversation." It's a dead end with people just calling you an asshole.

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Wtf kind of democracy is he advocating for then?


Prichard... has previously called on conservative states to "put into code that Jesus Christ is King and dedicate their state to Him"

He wants theocracy, of course.

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Stop the Steel

Unbelievable that we now have a party of, "why can't I hit people?"

He knows the guy who caned Sumner was charged with and convicted of assault, right?

Called it.

Blew up a blood donation center.

They also have many of the pipelines that send oil/gas from that region to Europe. Hence the hand wringing and platitudes from the West rather than actual help. Aliyev knows this.\_Gas\_Corridor

And when Armenia had the gall to even hint at trying to break from under Russia's thumb to the West, Aliyev got the ok from Russia to teach them a lesson.

Azerbaijian took Artsakh/Nagorno-Karabakh 8 days later, in spite of a prior Russian security agreement to prevent exactly that.

Tomczyk himself admitted in a deposition that he used the word occasionally.

Also worth noting he uses the word unapologetically to refer to his gay brother both "out of joking and out of spite."

It's a part of his normal vocabulary.

if Azerbaijan invades actual Armenia proper, then that's a different story.

The possibility of that happening is literally the linked article.

Nagorno-Karabakh is internationally recognized as part of Azerbaijan. Always has been.

Internationally recognized, fine. The population was about 120,000. 100,000 fled to Armenia after the attack. I'm sure they care about international lines on a map.

Always has been is categorically false. Armenia has been a country for about a thousand years before the ones who drew the lines on your map.

Was going to say, "where have I heard that before?"

It's been 30-40 years. Not a century. Most adults know fully well they're repeating garbage from the 80s and 90s.

They learned nothing and don't care. These people are not reasonable.

The ".ru" stands for "Really Uberpatriots."

Seriously. He doesn't need to spin. Spin is distorting the truth but keeping it plausible, if false. He will just brazenly lie, explicitly say America would be better off without certain judges and prosecutors (violating gag orders with no real consequences), his supporters will eat it up, some of them will try to harm these people, and he'll sit back and act surprised, disinterested, or flat out say they deserved it. We have seen it over and over.

For now at least, polls show about 25% of Democrats would vote for him over Biden vs 13% of Republicans. This is bad.

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