How’s everyone doing? to – 56 points –

It’s bleak out there in a lot of places. How’s everybody coping?

I’ve realized I don’t ever talk about it much, because I don’t know anyone in my offline life that it’s safe to talk to. My health is precarious and my housing sometimes feels a little uncertain, so I’m very much just keeping my head down. But I don’t know! I feel Concerned! Ahh! Stress! Stressful time! I grew up in the 2000s and never thought I’d see anything like this get worse again. It’s surreal. Back then, I felt like i could freely express my rage. Right now, I can’t. It’s disorienting. How is everybody else doing? What’s it been like for you?


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i joined up on beehaw recently, just taking the time to check things out now. i've been feeling kind of exhausted with online communication lately, like i need to be mentally prepared to deal with assholes everywhere i go online. i just wanna look at cute animals and interact with people sometimes.

Valid. I sorta feel the same way. I really hope you find the chill and quiet you need here.

I have so the same feeling. I've been browsing more art boards and just ignoring the news for a bit, it is needed rest.