Colorado governor defends 'Don't Tread on Me' flag after student told to remove patch

YoBuckStopsHere@lemmy.worldbanned from sitebanned from site to politics – 124 points –
Colorado governor defends 'Don't Tread on Me' flag after student told to remove patch

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Democratic Gov. Jared Polis called the Gadsden flag 'a proud symbol of the American revolution' after a a Colorado student was told to remove a patch of the "Don't Tread on Me" flag from his backpack.


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The right has adopted talking about culture war issues 24/7 like it is their fucking job. Why? Because conservative policies are unpopular as fuck across the board, and are a non-starter for the majority of the country. Republicans abandoned a policy first platform a long time ago, and similarly the world is abandoning the small minded sycophants that make up their electorate.

Get a grip, you are embarrassing yourself...Nobody here is buying the bullshit you're trying to sell. You must have forgotten this ain't Reddit.

OR maybe it's because conservatives are more concerned about social issues than economic ones because... Well, that's what conservatives do by definition

I assure you that if that was the case this culture war nonsense wouldn't exist and Americans would have a decent quality of life.

You literally just argued that the "left" or more specifically progressives were the ones focusing on culture war issues. Moving the goal posts when someone calls you out on your bullshit is exactly what I would expect.

The entire conservative psychological warfare doctrine is based around never engaging with the substance of any issues because you know you can't fucking win. Get Wrekt ✌️

I love how you didn't answer the lastest comment in the thread and instead "answered" an older one just to get the "gotcha"