They’ve grown up online. So why are our kids not better at detecting misinformation?

L4sBot@lemmy.worldmod to – 375 points –
They’ve grown up online. So why are our kids not better at detecting misinformation?

They’ve grown up online. So why are our kids not better at detecting misinformation?::Recent studies have shown teens are more susceptible than adults. It’s a problem researchers, teachers and parents are only beginning to understand.


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I think that I'm better simply because of my early exposure to the internet (as this article assumes would be true of the next generation). I think the difference is in how the internet is being presented to children now versus a decade ago. Many kids today can hardly install an application to a computer, I believe because they see technology as just a part of life to take or leave, not the "exciting new thing".

Why try to use a computer when you can use a chromebook, and now that the internet is so cushy, lets click some links!

I take your point, and it’s a good one, but I’m also a pedantic ass, so I just wanted to say that a Chromebook is a computer. I know I’m sorry I’ll show myself out

Lmao true, the reliance on the cloud and inability to install applications makes them feel like an entirelty different machine.

But that's like when I started to learn computers and we had to know how to configure IRQ channels for our SB16 and all sorts of other long obsolete nonsence. Natural language computing is going to be ubiquitous by the time they enter the workforce, it will be a lot more useful to know what to a ask it to do than any understanding of obsolete file system structures and memory management.