1 Post – 372 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

And this feature was implemented into an OS you have to pay for. 💀💀💀

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Bill the manufacturer 100%, IMO. Thats why I think self driving cars beg an unanswerable legal question, as when the car drives for you, why would you be at fault? How will businesses survive if they have to take full accountability for accidents caused by self-driving cars?

I think its almost always pointless to hold back innovation, but in this case I think a full ban on self driving cars would be a great move.

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They didnt depict him being decapitated, but his Snoo (i believe those are called Snoos) being decapitated. I think those are two entirely different things, especially given the french revolution theme around it.

Admins are being pussies imo. (After making a very bad decision in returning /r/place) They are of course fully within their right to, and that's why reddit sucks.

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Antennapod, hands down. It's the best podcast app I've ever used, period. Even proprietary options don't come close.

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Usage time ≠ enjoyment.

The fact that letting users choose what software they'd like to install wasn't seen as an fundamental part of a computer really highlights Apple's backwards philosophy towards user experience.

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Uber shaking in their boots now that they have to pay minimum wage, on top of already having a business model thay actually makes no sense and makes profitabilty impossible.

Thats a weird way to say the industry's been releasing shitty games.

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In pretty much every situation I've ever been told thank you, I've felt that "No Problem" is a much better representation of how I feel than "You're Welcome".

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A University named after a disgusting, abhorrently racist and radical man makes derogatory decision.

Totally agree. Facebook should have been absolutely crippled financially after influencing an election, but they get off scot free.

My idea is this:

Instead of a maximum fine being applied, you take a violation, lets say influencing an election, and you calculate how much of the corporations revenue came from that source. (i.e. Facebook messenger revenue would not count for election manipulation). Then, take a huge portion of that revenue (60%, 70%? [Depending on the violation]) and take that from their revenue. Who gives a shit if Facebook literally has to close down one of their services from lack of finances, thats what they get.

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The most ridiculous part are services insisting you install an app when everything their app does could be in a progressive web app. PWAs are less work to develop as they can run on any device with a browser. For fast food and clothing brands especially, I think PWAs are a no brainer. (Unless you want to track your customers coughTimHortonscough)

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It amazes me how little some police officers know about the law and the limits of their authority. Its literally the one thing a cop should be informed about.

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I think your Senior year of high school oughta be the cutoff, but I don't have any issues with college students trick or treating, so I think 23 or so would be my candy refusal threshold. This actually reminds me of a story I read a long time ago:

It's Halloween and there's a knock on the door, nothing out of the ordinary, and the person got up and went to the door. When they opened it, they found another door and doorframe up against their door, which read "Please knock for candy", they knocked and were offered candy by some college students who were carrying an entire door and frame around for this bit. I believe it ended with the homeowner refusing candy and giving the college students candy.

So yeah, I need to add an exception to my Halloween code of ethics: An awesome costume / gag can make up for any age.

The same as what many have said (blogs, news sites), but my best use case is YouTube! Deleted my account and get my subscriptions through RSS. The best part is it's actually much more reliable than the YouTube sub box, which is notorious for randomly not sending notifications or not showing new videos.

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True, but if no one is running thats just their own fault at that point.

Glad to see it! A service like Omegle has to exist online, and an open source version is the best direction the model could go in.

Isn't this just an argument against your point of view? Most people I've ever talked to don't care as long as the trans individual is minding their own business, why should the majority conform to a very small minority who is uncomfortable? Your argument is the same one made to support segregated bathrooms.

True, but I don't think the message comes across the same without it.

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I think that I'm better simply because of my early exposure to the internet (as this article assumes would be true of the next generation). I think the difference is in how the internet is being presented to children now versus a decade ago. Many kids today can hardly install an application to a computer, I believe because they see technology as just a part of life to take or leave, not the "exciting new thing".

Why try to use a computer when you can use a chromebook, and now that the internet is so cushy, lets click some links!

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Fr 💀 does he think his friend is going to sexually assault him? His mindset proves he has a huge lack of respect for his friend.

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Ill give you my two cents:

Palestinians are justified in fighting Israel until that occupation is no longer considered a country, however, the Hamas are committing atrocities against civilians, leading many to refer to them as terrorists. The argument for the Hamas (not all Palestinians) is that Israel has committed atrocities against Palestinians for almost a century, while being backed by the most powerful countries in the world, and that retaliation from the Hamas is justified.

Personally, I'm happy to see anyone resisting Israel, and don't believe any political compromise (although preferable) will cut it except the dissolution of Israel.

Originally wasn't going to comment, but I get a very similar feeling being inside a car parked on a road during the rain. It's an odd feeling watching someone walking home quickly through the rain while you sit in another dark car, dry and unnoticed.

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I definitely care about decentralization, I think the author of this article assumes a lot about user opinion.

The business model has always been unsustainable and plain stupid, imo.

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"As to bad law: Whatever happened in colonial times, modern-day America ought to be able to say that drug users shouldn’t have guns."

I disagree viehemently with this, as the government has full discretion to categorize drugs in whatever fucked up way they want. The solution is not nearly as simple as "Drug users shouldn't be able to have guns".

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That's common slang

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I can't understand how someone can be ignorant enough to think being anti-isreal is equivalent to being an antisemite.

I would suggest piracy.

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Upgrading Cortana would have been a much better move, imo. I could see Apple not wanting to make Siri AI, as Siri is and has been a household name. Cortana, on the other hand, was used by basically no one.

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As you obviously should be able to. (Especially in public areas of the building)

Nah, I don't think my issue is with age; it's with lifelong politicians. Introduce term limits.

Its glorified autocorrect trying to figure out how words string together coherently.

Flatpak and Appimages. Flatpaks are the best solution IMO, just better than snaps in about every setting except servers. Appimages are great simply because of their easy portability, just being a single executable. I like having GUI apps in Flatpaks because it separates the updates for those applications from my package manager.

Weary traveler...

I'm afraid it's Emacs...

It's not like all of these teachings are obviously fake and irrelevant, and anyone following any of them are ignorant to real (or at least, fully real morality). I dont need any amount of deities to tell me what my values are.

OP is doubly ignorant; believing in Christianity AND insisting on their religions moral superiority 💀💀

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You have to be trolling at this point, he alley-ooped it and you dunked the on yourself 💀

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Kbin has virtually no apps, unnecessarily (imo) integrates microblogging, and I prefer Lemmy's UI. Also, the fact most people who initially chose to Kbin weirdly did so because they disagreed with the lead devs politics?

tellin' all their business sit in the court and be their own star witness

Yeah, laws already cover all the bases. Thats why I think the entire idea of not letting trans people use their bathroom of choice is derogatory.