Is there a Decentralised Spotify / Music Platform Alternative?

Samantha E to No Stupid – 118 points –

So I know about Mastodon, Lemmy / Kbin, PeerTube, and Element but is there a Fediverse alternative to Music & Podcasts (preferably one that doesn't connect to Crypto)


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I would suggest piracy.

Aww man seeing that name again brings back great memories, I credit that app for my taste in music.

You'd spend more time looking through people's immaculately sorted folders of music.

There's on guy in Germany who is solely responsible for the punk bands I listen to.

I didn't know soulseek and downloaded music for the first time in ages, tried listening to some FLACs of songs I only ever streamed and damn now I think I understand audiophiles

downloading yt music playlists thru seal and i use blackplayer to play music