Neckbeard rule to – 291 points –

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I'd note that almost all of the headshots there have a lot of makeup, and the named ones are almost certainly professional makeup.

You don't even see light makeup until the 7s and 6.5 range. Damn neckbeard(s?) don't even know what a woman actually looks like, and apparently expect women to pay for a professional cosmetologist to do them up before they leave the house.

Edit: it might be an amusing experiment to post those given a "9.5", but from a shot where they have their normal day to day "face" on and see what rank they get. Or at least how long until its deleted.

To be fair, 8.5 is marked as 1 in 3000, meaning that 2999/3000 women look worse. Even 6.0 is marked as "Top 15%".

So definitely not something they "expect" most women to look like.

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