US media giant Gannett sues Google over "monopolization of advertising technology markets" and "deceptive commercial practices" to World – 22 points –
Gannett Files Federal Lawsuit Against Google - Gannett

In 2022, Google made upwards of $30 billion in revenue from the sale of ad space on publishers’ websites which was six times the digital advertising revenue of all U.S. news publications combined, according to a statement by Gannett.


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Sounds like good news to me. The article also states the doj and eu have launched similar lawsuits. Any reason this could be bad?

Given how much Gannett is to blame for newspaper consolidation and the resulting shitshow, this feels more like a "let them fight" at best.

Gannett: My actions have disastrous consequences. We should sue Google!

Yeah -- I'm in the "let both of the capitalist megacorps lose" camp.

Any win for Gannett is not a win for journalism, it's a win for shareholders. Whether that's bad depends on your views.