The Top Programming Languages 2023 to – 66 points –
The Top Programming Languages 2023

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Keep in mind that this is for « typical IEEE members », which I am pretty sure is not a great representative sample of programmers in general.

How many of you programmers out there are IEEE members?

Keep in mind that this is for « typical IEEE members », which I am pretty sure is not a great representative sample of programmers in general.

It's still way better than counting references in YouTube and twitter, and weirdly enough TIOBE's results are in line with this poll.

The lists are quite similar with a slight reordering in the top 7 or 8. I guess both lists are a representative sample of developers… But there is one interesting difference:

IEEE: Python, Java, C++, C, JS, SQL, Go TIOBE: Python, C, C++, Java, C#, JS, VB (!), SQL

In IEEE, VB is way way down the list. Do IEEE members use VB less?

I’m always amazed that C still scores so high, but I’ve been told there is a lot of embedded work still going on.

In IEEE, VB is way way down the list. Do IEEE members use VB less?

TIOBE measures social media chatter. Odds are there are far more people posting noise about VB just due to the low barrier of entry.

Also if I recall correctly VB is heavily used to customize Excel spreadsheets, which contributes to a larger potential userbase than any programming language.

I'm still not totally convinced TIOBE can accurately determine if something is C or C++.

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