Some veteran YouTube staff think Shorts might ruin YouTube to – 881 points –
Some veteran YouTube staff think Shorts might ruin YouTube

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It's the hustle culture that's been ingrained into society at this point. Every industry has it now. Get in, make as much as possible (with little to no regard for others), get out, retire early.

After that just become an influencer showing off your lavish lifestyle for brand sponsorships for even more money.

Shit like Tiktok and Youtube Shorts are only making things worse, faster.

Get in, make as much as possible (with little to no regard for others), get out, retire early.

Arguably, this is what the American dream has become. It used to be we wanted middle class wealth, 2.1 kids, and a nice suburban house. But now all we want to do is sell out, retire, and never have to work again. I can relate, even if I lack the skills to play the game.

That's where we got antiwork, FIRE, etc. It's true: nobody wants to work anymore. I sure don't. Maybe we never did.

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