Microsoft to stop forcing Windows 11 users into Edge in EU countries

Bri Guy to – 1262 points –
Microsoft to stop forcing Windows 11 users into Edge in EU countries

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Can they do the same for Google recommending Chrome?

At least google sites recommending Chrome are free to use. Microsoft is forcing is it's useless browser to an audience via an OS. Which they paid for. Two huge no-no's.

MS should just quit the facade and make it free.

I mean it more or less already is. I'm running an unregistered W10 Pro and the "activate license" thing only comes up occasionally.

I heard from an acquaintance of mine that works for MS that they really don't care if you pay for their software. As long as you're using it, they know you're locked into their environment.

Hell, you can download an install ISO off their website directly, and you can install and run it without a license key.

Yeah I think that much is really apparent. I use AtlasOS when I absolutely need to use Windows.

Yes, they are doing both. The list of entities covered by the DMA dropped today.