Reddit's response about the actions they took against the subreddits (note: r/mildly interesting DID NOT encourage nsfw content and their suspensions and removal have been revoked by a diff admin) to Reddit – 238 points –

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It's an intentional tanking of the company :)

I'm more inclined to believe it's just incompetence.

Agreed. Never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by incompetence. Hanlon's razor

Why? By who? Wouldn't employees and particularly spez want the platform to succeed so they can cash out?

They got the wrong references. Spez thinks he is a Musk look alike but he did not realize Musk paid more for Twitter than the company will ever make for him, even if he does make it become profitable.

He's emulating a guy who is running his own company into the ground. They're both going to be left with empty shells of what they first inherited. I can at least give the slightest benefit of the doubt to spez's original intentions years ago, but it hardly matters now.

And if course there will be no consequences to either of them that affect them directly. They'll both still have more money than they know what to do with.

the '4D Chess defense'. we can't keep saying that mistakes are actually intentional when there are so many examples of the mistakes, being made for the same reasons, by the same types of people (out of touch CEOs with terrible judgment)