Mozilla flunks 25 major car brands for data privacy fails to – 336 points –
Mozilla flunks 25 major car brands for data privacy fails

...and the related Mozilla report


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Really goes for almost everything. I don't want my machines and appliances to be 'smart' and 'connected'. I just want them to do the thing I use them for, that's it.

Fuck IoT

All my homies hate IoT

The only things that are allowed internet in my house are computers, and phones. (And game systems, if someone brings one over.)

Not our cars, not our dash cams, not our fucking refrigerator.

IoT itself isn't bad. It's the companies that are using it to spy on you. If IoT is FOSS/Libre it is good.

But I agree that not everything should have internet access especially if it's proprietary.

None of my appliances need to be connected to the internet. That’s asinine. (Not directed at you, more “old-man-yells-at-Cloud”)

I think the distinction is need. I dont like it when its mandatory, but i dont mind that the option is there. E.g some people like preheaing their oven on the drive home(or a warning that something on the stove is on if accodently left on), or in case of the dryer, when its done.

One common one I think is helpful is those who may have forgotton to close their garage. Easy way to check without having to drive back and do so.