All of Japan's Toyota Assembly Plants Shut Down for a Day Because Their Server Ran Out of Disk Space

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Toyota says plant shutdown last week due to server malfunction

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There's some irony to every tech company modeling their pipeline off Toyota's Kanban system...

Only for Toyota to completely fuck up their tech by running out of disk space for their system to exist on. Looks like someone should have put "Buy more hard drives" to the board.

not to mention the lean process effed them during fukashima and covid, with a breakdown in logistics and a shortage of chips, meant that their entire mode of operating shut down, as they had no capacity to deal with any outages in any of their systems. Maybe that has happened again, just in server land.

Toyota was the carmaker best positioned for the COVID chip shortage because they recognized it as a bottleneck. They were pumping out cars a few months longer than the others (even if they eventually hit the same wall everyone else did).

They have changed there processes now to ensure a bitore of a buffer in there supply, not so lean any more

It wasn’t just Fukushima. There was a massive flood in Thailand at the same time that shut down a load of suppliers. It was a really bad bit of luck but they did learn from that.