All of Japan's Toyota Assembly Plants Shut Down for a Day Because Their Server Ran Out of Disk Space

Flying to – 994 points –
Toyota says plant shutdown last week due to server malfunction

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and log files eating up storage space was a common culprit.

Another classic symptom of poorly maintained software. Constant announcements of trivial nonsense, like [INFO]: Sum(1, 1) - got result 2! filling up disks.

I don't know if the systems you're talking about are like this, but it wouldn't surprise me!

You gotta forward that to Spunk so your logs ain't filling up the server generating them. Plus you can set up automated alerts for when the result stops being 2.

This message brought to you by Big Splunk.

And yet that’s probably there because sometime, somewhere, it returned 1.9 or 2.00001 or some such nonsense.

1 + 1 = 2.000001 for sufficiently large (but not by much) values of 1.