Introducing ONCE, a new line of software products from 37signals: Pay one time, own forever. to – 137 points –
Introducing ONCE

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"In the early 2000s, we were among the early pioneers leading the industry into the SaaS revolution. Now, 20 years later, we intend to help lead the way out. The post–SaaS era is just around the corner."

So, this company helped to get us into this whole subscription thing, and now they're going to be the white knights to save us from it?

It would have happened anyway.

IT, and other industries have the same seasons like fashion.

Oh, look, it's the turtleneck season again!

And people forget it's happened many times before, and act like it's something new every time.

Kinda miss the semi-futuristic 80s and 90s though. Give me those grey boxes and neon lights again!

I feel like we are not too far from that becoming a trend again