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Joined 1 years ago

Best I can do is tie your pension to it.

I may have some news for you...

Buy an EV ything? In this economy?

The cruelty is the point

What? Don't they just go to Walmart?

while yes, there are many BETTER alternatives already disponible

10 more...

She could have Pokemon gone to Michigan

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I mean, we never fixed the problems which caused 2008. Covid didn't exactly help with anything.

I'm also constantly suprised the world goes by like we aren't facing the biggest economic reality check ever.

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When you have multiple Gentoo machines, you compile soft once and distribute it. You would be mad to compile everything every time.

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Then don't brag about being 100% FOSS supporter...

Also 150M people may use it, 8 billion people can't index it or do an advanced search, so fuck them.

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It is, it's not like Sony is any better

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OS X refers to those parts of the distribution which aren't open-source

From your own quote

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How does that respond to the original idea, that is:

if they believed in the company, they would hold their stock.

You are not a genius for selling your company's stock after IPO, you are a grifter. Doesn't matter how many voting shares they have, doesn't matter how much more money they need - they do get paid in cash too, and they can borrow against the stock.

So they sold out. Fuck them both for that.

12 more...

I remap Caps Lock to Escape.





How did you know I am a Vim user?

You missed the biggest flaw in all those arguments: "yet".

None of that stuff is required... yet. It will. As soon as the subscription model catches on, it will be required.

Just look at: everywhere. How far did video streaming go from cable? Well, it's not there... yet. But it's going there.

Don't think for a second this time will be different.

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Then express yourself to let them know what you stand for, and what do you expect from them.

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Then what in the hell do you want?

I thought you want diverse opinions and nuanced debate, but when you want to just engage in opposing comments and not prefacing statements with 'I understand X, but wanna discuss Y here', the result is just trolling, detrimental to your proposed goals.

I have yet to understand what exactly do you want, or what is missing here.

Have they ever cared?

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What would you guess is the percentage of them that screamed that masks are killing people during covid?

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Do you want your bank to see everything you've purchased?

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He doesn't even do that, he just speaks about it.

But he hurt the common folk more than anyone else.

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Yes, let's fucking download software from a GitHub repo!

And then bitch how Linux isn't user friendly, because you... might have to download software from a GitHub repo?

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Which is why there is no dialogue with people arguing in bad faith.

And we as a society need to recognise that, and act accordingly.

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Also, I've spent time on Reddit, it was only bad faith arguments in controversial. Like bots pushing propaganda bad.

Because it doesn't have branches, it has neurons - and A LOT of them.

Each of them is tuned by the input data, which is a long and expensive process.

At the end, you hope your model has noticed patterns and not doing stuff at random.

But all you see is just weights on countless neurons.

Not sure I'm describing it correctly though.

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If you let fascists into high ranking positions of power, doesn't matter what most of the nation thinks.

So just like human brains?

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Trump - 50 000 votes

Biden - 50 001 votes with you


Trump - 50 000 votes

Biden - 50 000 votes

3rd - 1 vote (you)

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Why exactly do you want to switch profiles?

If it's cookies,

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You put that '/s' one sentence too late

There is - Firefox

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Absolutely no to everything you said.

There is no placebo, you can flag stuff out of your builds, so you can have OS without IPv6 anywhere. Or PA support. If you don't appreciate that, then it's not for you, but Gentoo does an amazing job of providing freedom with ease of use you can't find anywhere else.

Sure it takes time to compile, but you just run portage and watch the CPU burn. And if you have enough cores, it doesn't take all that long.

Also, OpenRC support.

It's not about the boot times, definitely not about software running faster, everything about having even more control over your computer. Use binary distro if you like, but Gentoo has a place amongst the distros.

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But that's not even ultimately true. Infrastructure and utilities should belong to public.

No one, and I repeat, not a single oofing one, is going to use your dildo.

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I believe it was this one link

But why? This has everything to do with philosophy, and nothing to do with most posts on Lemmy.

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And it didn't work.

There were many such attempts, and almost every one failed. And exploded in the other direction.

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I usually only read, so youtube is a no-go for me :(

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So cows and pigs salary when?

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Is this the Higurashi chick or I am way off?

Cause I don't want no fight in that department.

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It was way less children than Covid has killed.

And it wasn't like nobody cared, those parents had to go out of their way to not vaccinate their children.