Parents who tried their best to raise their kids to be good humans but they turned out to be bad, what do you wish you did differently? to – 6 points –

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I think people really forget the "it takes a village" lesson andremebrer that no kid is raised only by their mom and dad.

The modern way of raising kids where it's just the two parents and nobody else is so destructive. Groups do it so much better!

There was a video about this posted a bit ago. The speaker said basicly this same thing. After the age of 7, the environment that your kid is placed into, and the other people they are around, has for more influence on them that the parents have.

You do your best for the first 7 years, and then you do your best to find the right environment for them for the rest of their lives.

Was it this?

Dr Russell Barkley on “nature vs nurture”

Ha yes.

I may or may not have kids, but this video will stick in my mind forever. If I do, my focus will be on creating that community to surround my kids with people that they can look up to for good role models and hope for the best :D