Baldur's Gate 3 on PS5 is effectively the PC version at ultra settings to – 119 points –
Baldur's Gate 3 on PS5 is effectively the PC version at ultra settings

Happily, PlayStation 5 manages to deliver a creditable rendition of the game, but the now legendary Act Three continues to humble CPU performance - perhaps more than we anticipated going in.


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It's runs on ultra on my 1060 gtx, I'm not surprised it runs well on consoles, the game is pretty nicely optimized

You probably haven't gotten to Act 3 yet, the game is extremely CPU bound. I have a Ryzen 9 7950X and while Act 1 and 2 were basically locked to 144fps the entire time, in Act 3 I have seen dips down to the 40s.

Try turning off "Dynamic Crowds" in settings. I didn't notice much difference in how the crowds behaved, but it supposedly simplifies their AI and pathfinding to cut down on CPU use. It helped me a lot in the city.

Ah my CPU is pretty modern compared to the 1060, and no I'm not even into act 2 yet

3080 + 12700k @4k. I needed to run everything in performance mode on DLSS to get even a consistent 60. Still jittery in the big areas.

2060 super user here. I'm assuming you haven't made it to Act 3? The game has some performance issues there. I happily turned down the graphics to continue playing smoothly but was a tad disappointed.

I'm on my second playthrough though and they have patched it since my first experience so hopefully the evil campaign runs (visually) smoother.

Act 3's issues aren't GPU bound, it's entirely CPU bottlenecked. It's likely someone with a slower GPU won't see as big a drop in performance in act 3 as you, and it's likely you don't see any performance gain from using DLSS in act 3. My 2080 Super was sleeping through it even at 3440x1440 on ultra while my Ryzen 7 3700x was getting thrashed.