Anti-Evil Operations accidentally revealed a random admin account. to – 240 points –

I saw this random r/ModSupport post and was surprised that an admin accidentally revealed a random admin account.


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Reddit got caught unprepared by the protests, they are probably working on a shadow mod feature and forgot to hide it from the log. Deleting an already removed post is a fairly inconspicuous way to demo the feature.

After mods, bans, and shadow bans, we have shadow mods. We should have expected it.

This sounds like the progression of a story arc in a terrible anime, honestly.

Next they'll get superbans and eventually supermods

But first shadowmods getting shadowbanned. It's almost beautiful.

It better be set in the UK because the opposition government are called shadow cabinet with a shadow treasure, shadow foreign minister, shadow health minister.

Shhhhh, we are SHOCKED, I'm telling you.