Georgia special grand jury recommended charges in election case for Sen. Graham and 2 ex-senators to politics – 464 points –
Georgia special grand jury recommended charges in election case for Sen. Graham and 2 ex-senators

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People kept asking why it was taking so long to bring charges at all - this is why. Yes, the crimes are obvious and some were even committed in public view, but if you're going after high level government officials - if you're going after a former president of the United States - you better make sure you have every last detail in order. For crimes of such magnitude, you can't risk the case getting dismissed or overturned based on a frivolous detail or a minor oversight or a technicality. It has to be iron-clad and air-tight, with every 'i' dotted and every 't' crossed.

Trump isn't some common thief or vandal. He's not just a crime boss or a corrupt politician. He's a history-altering, would-be dictator who tried to stage a coup to overthrow our government. There is no room for error.

It's not just that he's a former president. It's also that he's:

  1. Leader of a cult encompassing tens of millions
  2. Probable Republican nominee in 2024