Google gets its way, bakes a user-tracking ad platform directly into Chrome to – 1390 points –
Google gets its way, bakes a user-tracking ad platform directly into Chrome

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It's frustrating, I get it too. Nobody cares until the leopard bites their face. Then it's too late, and we're all affected by their indifference/laziness/ignorance.

I'm probably going to get downvotes for this, but I seriously don't understand why you care whether other people care. If you don't like Chrome and it's approach to privacy, don't use it. But man am I sick of people being so preachy about it. Just make your own choices and stop forcing your choices on others yeesh.

This line of thinking only works if you live as a hermit at the edge of the forest. Living in a society means dealing with consequences of the choices of others.

As far as browsers are concerned, having Firefox is pointless if 95% of websites will refuse to serve you content because you don't have some cryptographically signed chrome web DRM enabled.

However deep the public at large deems is acceptable for raw sewage to puddle in the street is exactly how much sewage I have to wade through on my way to the store.

That is the whole point - your indifference screws us all. We ALL end up with no choice!