Why does lemmy have it, so any link takes you off the page instead of opening in a new tab or window?

SnausagesinaBlanket@lemmy.world to No Stupid Questions@lemmy.world – 165 points –

It is a simple line of code and the entire site does this or add target="_blank" to every hyperlink, and it will do the same thing. It sucks that you have to right-click every link to open in a new tab or window and it is such a simple fix.


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If you can, contribute to the code. You can do a pull request if you want.

There might even be discussions on it which you can vote on.

Eventually it would be nice to have a toggle in the settings. Could keep the current behavior as the default and let users change it

At the very least, file a bug report 👍

No, because it's not a bug.

Please don't clutter actual bug reports with feature requests or design discussions.