ChatGPT plays doctor with 72% success to – 86 points –

As AI capabilities advance in complex medical scenarios that doctors face on a daily basis, the technology remains controversial in medical communities.


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I mean if the AI takes women seriously then that's honestly already better than most of the doctors I've had

Unfortunately, if the data is biased, the model is biased.

Yes, that's something that's constantly emphasized in scientific research. You might have the most infallible algorithm, but... garbage in, garbage out. You'll still get garbage data if what you enter into the algorithm is garbage

I was about to say...

Wonder what the success rate of doctors is. I'd be surprised if it is above 70% lol

Or if it’s better at diagnosing minorities, too.

It almost certainly won't, but it's nice to hope.

It might remove the face to face human bias of a GP but it doesn't make up for the decades of preconceived or absent research about women or minorities.