Imagine the Rule to – 470 points –

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A stepper motor with a controller attached to a roller which goes the whole length of the tapes but only just not making contact. Then per-tape you'd need a piano hammer like object attached to a lever on the front side, with something ferrous attached to the other end. Finally a little electromagnet near the ferrous end hooked up to a set of multiplexers that are then hooked up to your Pi.

Then you'd basically have the Pi run the roller and enable the magnets on any of the tapes that you'd want to move. That way you could in theory run between 1 and all of them in any given direction at the same time

Bonus points if you attach different note bells or something on the levers so they each make a different sound when they actuate.

You might need something like a ball bearing on the tip of the hammers, but maybe just a smooth enough surface would do it.

(This is entirely not practical, but I still kinda want to build it)

Lol, pretty much what I suggested :D

Only difference is that I'd use an ESP, way too simple an application for a Pi. Also ESPHome makes it super simple to integrate with Home Assistant and only requires a fairly simple yaml file. Also ESPs are like $10 max

Oh lmao, I don't think I saw your post before I started writing mine! Clearly the best solution then!

ESP is a good call yeah, I think I just think Pi by default because I've got so many of the things lying around

Great minds think alike :P

You're very lucky then, they're super difficult to source nowadays and are so expensive.

Oh tell me about it, I've got a pi zero 2 on backorder from about a year and a half ago still.

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