61 Post – 118 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I dunno I stole it too some time ago

I don't speak French, but sounds like they gotta talk it out

Me yow happy weekend

I've had some great experiences, but I'm sure everyone's mileage may vary

Achtually Wolverine can't bend his wrists

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195 was a general dump anything and everything subreddit. Went on a for a long while like 5+ years, started buy a guy and his roommate matt. Suddenly like 2018 a message appeared sticked to the top that said "social experiment completed" and the sub was locked. People moved to both 196 and 197. At the end of 195 it shifted more twords right wing bigotry type memes and screenshots. 196 added a rule to the only rule, bigotry screenshots were restricted to Saturdays which filtered out a lot of hateful content and the void of which was filled with positive more uplifting screenshots and memes. Without the fear of opening up a post and having it be the most bigoted take on something and calling it a meme the posters were able to put out their pride without the fear of hate in return.

The users who wanted to post the bigoted memes went to 197 since they were restricted to Saturdays only. Helped create a divide in 195s two posting groups and overall make 196 the place to be.

Sorry for wall of text but finally some niche lore I could contribute to.

Had it saved from like 2 years ago from r/196 and thought, "it's time"

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I dunno I can't see the fuel cap from this angle

I used to remove them from customers homes. It was a very similar story each time. They loved it for a little while then it sat for 5 plus years used as a big outdoor table to hold other stuff on top the cover. It also is a bit pricey and a hassle to get rid of them. Most of the time I would have to cut it into 4 pieces to move the thing. I think they are a bit of a waste for most people. Mosquitos love them though.

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My bones

This is gorgeous 😍 thank you for sharing!

I believe if it's an unsanctioned wildcat strike they can fire without it being retaliation, but if it's a strike backed by the NLRB they have to prove it isn't retaliation and I don't think the days gone by an official strike counts here. I could be wrong but that is what I remember about wildcat strike differences

ahaha jonathan I shidded the thoothpaste

Don't fuck your future self.

Putting something away? Better make sure it's not just the most convenient spot for you right now but somewhere future you can find it. Should I finish this family sized bag of chips? I'm really not hungry anymore and will want some another day this week. Save some for future you.

Just little things to help yourself along and think a few steps ahead.

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A user of r/196 was voted to choose the new sub image and they chose a picture of their friend and the sub went with it for a couple days then layered all the previous sub images onto it

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Ah haha Jonathan the tooth paste shidded

I think you should eventually admit it

Moldy Mondays as another has mentioned is my vote. Ban ai posts though

Shameless plug, I post when I have a fresh batch of images ready to go semi frequently.


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Your honor

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Not always, some warehouses (like the one I used to be at) stow products based off size. For example, could have RAM, ball point pens, phone cases, chocolate bars and everything else that fits into a small pull out cubby on a shelf shoved into one space.

So the stower scans the item, then scans the space on the shelf space they think they can fit it in. The Picker who bundles orders together is given the task to find the RAM you ordered. They are told it's in X aisle in X cubby. They have to dig through the most random garbage that is shoved into this space because the stower before is given like 2 minutes per item to find space.

Sometimes just to keep their efficiency numbers up the stower will scan the item, scan the space, and never put the item on the shelf bc space was limited. So that item ends up in an adjacent space that they eventually found room for the item and the picker is unaware so they may just have scanned whatever item was closest they could get away with and kept it moving so they don't get backed up. It was a mess of a way to do things.

I can't imagine the racoon is following gun safety protocols. But I see your point

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Gothic is my personal favorite

It was jumping around my feet, almost didn't see it! Super cute

I dunno if shitpost or not but I'd love to contribute to the soundtrack of this masterpiece 196 game!

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Pipedbot is great, I didn't know about piped until I came to Lemmy and now I use it pretty frequently

The battlefront subreddit's rich history. It holds the most downvoted comment of the EA team when they said to work for unlocking Darth Vader after 40 hours for a feeling of "pride and accomplishment". Or pay 10 dollars.

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Teen Titans, everything just clicks with that show

I thought it was a little out of key but to each their own

I mirrored the image and added scanlines

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Your exasperation is my favorite thing rn, thank you

I have been having a blast with the beta playing with friends. Destruction is like nothing I've seen in a game. Getting 90-100fps with a 1080 and an i7 7700k

I've learned in the comments that blood is a good one

Feel free to screenshot

Your honor

I have a Toshiba crt with HDMI and everything before, I don't know what I'll do when it dies.

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Alright if you got some use out of it maybe it's not as ridiculous as I first thought