the futrule if it didn't suck to – 221 points –

Really beautiful. We shouldn't let capitalism ruin our utopia of the future, that's a way of winning without playing the game.

My problem is that I absolutely loath gardening. I love the gardens; I hate the upkeep. Weeding, tending, watering, repotting, fertilizing, pruning... I'd rather clean toilets. It's so hard on my back, I'm miserable being outside when it's hot or humid, and we don't control the weather.

Someone's taking care of all that. It's lovely... if it's someone else.

robots tending gardens cant be too far away

They exist, but they're crude. Indoor farms tend to be labor intensive, meaning they have a lot of incentive to automate, but nobody has a really good system yet.

Knowing when a tomato is ripe and how to pick it off the plant is one of the better uses for AI image recognition and robotics, IMO.

I got you, fam! I would love to be the one breaking my back, sweating in the dirt, and fighting the weeds. Especially if someone else is handling the toilets. From my point of view, the thing we seem to be missing the most in society today is a sense of real purpose. I think I could absolutely find that through working a community-sustaining garden.

Earth streets would be really shitty when it rains, shure i also dont want beton everywhere but can we pls get at least a bycicle lane?

Have y’all seen Singapore? Gardens by the Bay are truly a vision for the future

Singapore is more fucked up than aspirational if you ask me. It might look nice but it's a capitalist place that totally misses the spirit of solarpunk.

I just appreciate their innovation in green architecture, I am not aware of any other particularities with the place. I think all countries have their warts and what not though

I love Solarpunk but I don't know why they like cablecars/dangleways so much. Like there are places that use them as public transport (MedellΓ­n) but unless the landscape the city is in is very mountainous then they're not really useful as a form of transportation.