No Rule frfr to – 492 points –

On a serious note, have any of my US friends noticed how thick ol Washingtons neck has gotten on the newer quarters? Got rid of his braid too.


Yeah, people with a more natural haircut are more ridiculous than dudes with powered wigs and whatever dumb fashion GW and the guys in the 1770s had.

Benjamin Franklin had a skullet/mullet and creampied menopausal women.

Why were the wigs powered?

To allow atmospheric flight and quick traversal of complex palace interiors

And were they steam engine powered? I guess that would explain the paintings where they look like there's a plume of white smoke around their heads ...

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I see this hair cut on a lot of people.

Are the curls natural?

Could be on some but for most, it’s a perm.

Haha, oh man, back when I was a kid (around the time of the Russian Revolution), getting a perm would have been social sepukku.

My grandma had a perm, for instance, and slept with rollers in.

That said, this gif is painfully accurate

lol you’re not wrong but it’s not any dumber than frosted tips or emo hair.

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I remember an ad from maybe 15 years ago that had a guy saying to another person "get a perm" and the joke was that it was obviously terrible advice...

Now they're coming back

You were a kid in 1917?

May as well had been.

It's hyperbole,but I've been feeling fucking old lately

I have a hunch it is a steam powered train you are talking to. They last long as long as you repair and oil parts regularly

My dad has a perm in my parents wedding photos from the 80s. He looks goofy but Jnco jeans were popular when I was a teenager so I can't really say shit.

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Can someone explain to me what 'no cap' means?

Is it like... no capacity limit... unlimited?


It means "no lie" in English (Traditional).

Oh, so, 'truthfully' or 'verily'.

Welp. Sure, ok. Uh...

How... wtf is the etymology on that? I have no clue how cap = lie.

Last time I talked to a Gen Alpha I literally could not understand 70% of what they were saying. I look a bit younger than I actually am so I had to say look I'm in my 30s, talk to me like I'm a boomer.

Then they dropped the lingo, after rolling their eyes and pouting.

Hooooray for being old. And autistic. Now I'm going to pout.

Haha congrats on being old. As for the origin, 'cap' originates from the twitch emote 'Kappa' which is used in response to someone lying. It got shortened to 'Kap' and got turned into 'cap' when it went mainstream.

It actually originates from AAVE. To cap basically means to exaggerate or lie.

Huh, interesting, it may be a mix of both origins since the album didn't seem to be sold very well (at least in physical copies). Still, the meaning is the same.

Well thanks for the explanation.

I think Twitch culture is largely cancer so I never followed it.

Never saw the appeal of like watching a Twitch stream for hours and hours.

All the good moments just get clipped by the author or someone else and end up in a time respecting format on youtube anyways?


Twitch culture can vary drastically between streamers, it mostly depends on the moderators and the streamer themselves (almost like any internet forum). And the main appeal is the interactivity between other people usually, whether with the streamer or other viewers.

Yeah small twitch channels are fun. streamer saying hi caught me off guard and felt somewhat surreal first time like eee wait are they talking to me wtf

Building some kind of bond with a small British streamer and becoming his mod is pretty surreal for me in hindsight.

That’s super cool. This is the internet we need

Tbh I am not here because this site is superior or foss but because it is still rather small and thus maybe, maybe you can remember some names and have like healthier community. Feel more like in a virtual village than a sprawling city while still having critical mass of new content and at the same this village should be diverse enough to see various sentiments and experiences you would never knew

True, I can see the appeal of small Twitch channels where you have a reasonable chance of actually interacting...

...but so many of the larger channels ...

  1. chat is literally an overwhelming barrage of randomness

  2. so, so many streamers develop gigantic egos, and then get into fights with other similar people.

Kik is even worse. While many of the popular people on Twitch have serious personality disorders, Kik seems to legitimately just be streams of gambling and the worst person you knew in high school being paid to commit crimes.

There is this whole group of crime, sociopathic streamers it’s disgusting. I hate to see many people enjoy those things and that I share the planet with them as they watch streamers beat up their moms or smh

This is the filthiest filth out there you can feel. apparently some pay to feel that. Modern colloseums

The 00's internet had ogrish and bumfights.

That shit was waaay more fucked up in terms of content, but it was also extremely niche.

I have met tons of kids and young adults that act nearly identically to kik streamers or the more insane twitch streamers.

Is that General Mattis with a broccoli cut?

The interesting thing is this was apparently the portrau=it that won the original design conpetition in 1932.