What's something that you hate about all (or most) people?

DragonWasabi@monyet.cc to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 52 points –

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Apologies are always forced or insincere. Nobody finds themselves in the wrong on their own anymore.

Well there are those of us who just feel we've done the wrong thing all the time and practically apologise just for existing. Not that that's better.


I immediately gain respect for people who matter-of-factly admit when they’re wrong and apologize for doing or saying something that warrants an apology. I think it’s a sign of an emotionally mature and self-confident person. You don’t lose anything by admitting an error or fault, it fact you gain perspective and knowledge that helps you develop as a person, while giving credit to the person who knew the right thing. Everybody wins.

Not always, but most from the majority of public figures tend to be.