Protestors Arrested After Occupying Kevin McCarthy’s Office

Flying to politics – 234 points –
WATCH: Protestors Arrested After Occupying Kevin McCarthy’s Office

Protestors occupied Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy’s (R-CA) office on Monday demanding that lower chamber of Congress reauthorize federal spending on the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR).

“Pass PEPFAR now, McCarthy! Pass PEPFAR now, McCarthy!” chanted the protestors before eventually being arrested by members of the Capitol Police.


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Was that a BLM flag next to a thin blue line flag? I feel like they should either cancel each other out or explode or something.

I think it's just a regular American flag.

Oh, upon closer examination I think you are right. The color balance on that photo is just off. It looks a touch lighter than the BLM flag.