1 Post – 91 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I would wager 100% of people surveyed would not want to go to jail for giving the wrong answer too.

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I'm gonna move me to the country, gonna eat me a lot of peaches.

He wasn't though. The original artist hated that Pepe was being used as a symbol for hate. Pepe was more just used on 4chan and what not for whatever reason at first. It's just the right, not being creative at all, stole it and ran with it.

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Old phrase, "There's gold in them there hills". It was an old quote from idk where, but it got re-quoted plenty of times. Probably most famously in Loony-Toons,

Aw man that is dangerous. Next thing you know, the kid will start to think on his own./s

Shit. I took this offer for 10k more than I was making and benefits.

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well... good news! Check who you replied to.

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Kaworu is the only Eva character worth your time anyhow.

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Devil's advocate, in a dense suburban setting it keeps that land from being paved over and turned into a commercial zone. But when it is in a rural setting, absolutely.

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It was a smart move though, water is great at stopping projectiles. If he's smarter he would swim to the right side of the river and surrender after that.

We're all ogres now.

I heard this theory before and it makes the most sense. It's a win, win, win for them. U.S. support gets split. Isreal's support of Ukraine dries up. The EU also gets distracted. The Middle East gets destabilized which can give Russia more business with their mercenaries. I really don't see any way in which this war is bad for Russia.

Don't threaten us with a good time.

I recently came to accept that I am bi. I was puzzled how most of my life I only ever had luck with bi/pan women as I had refused to acknowledge that side of me due to rampant homophobia where I grew up. Something about us just repels cis women in my experience. My wife even had gay friends insisting she was a smokescreen and that I was forcing myself to be with her. Part of my trauma growing up was hearing people have the stereotype that bi people are just horny sluts and that it wasn't just how they were born.

There seems to be a stigma against bi men in general just as bad as gay men in my experience (I've even heard tales of gay men hating bi men). Any straight woman I dated, or tried to, always seemed to be repulsed by me. My guess is that it is in the body language, since her gay friends insisted I was too. Society as a whole is getting better at accepting people but it is still fucked.

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My autistic daughter likes to quietly play with my phone when we eat out. If that doesn't happen everyone in the immediate area suffers. This has always caused me a bad time.

He could have totally pull off Celery Man though.

I thought it was for the first thing I click when I find an open twitter tab.

I think you forgot to copy the first photo to on top of the second one.

The price is right. This is the only game I ever refunded on steam. It is way more linear than they made it out to be.

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He actually said not to ask, if I remember right.

They had actually stopped their air raids before this happened. I am not saying they aren't going to bomb more but I am pointing out that people jumped to point the finger suspiciously fast.

You know when you are playing Phoenix Wright and you have the antagonist in the corner and they blow up near the end...

The problem isn't new at all either. Someone on the right, just figured out how to create the incel culture and weaponize it. It's sexism all the way down on both sides when there shouldn't be sides at all. It's the culmination of the social construct known as gender.

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That's just a coincidence. If a bird did it however...

Pretty sure that guy is a JoJo's villain.

The scary part is I've seen a schism in the left on this. There have been times where people proclaiming rights for Gaza in the same breath compare Jews to Nazis even though the problem is with the state not the people. Everyone on the left agrees it's a human rights issue for both sides but unfortunately some are picking sides.

Meanwhile the Jewish people are backed into a corner so things are going to get irrational from them as well. Although I am not Jewish myself I am very close to many and all of them are anxious wrecks over this. Every other faith has multiple nations which have their religion as a state religion but Jews have only one choice if that's what they want. The ideal situation would have been surgical strikes against Hamas but Netanyahu gonna Netanyahoo.

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That's a sheered sheep egg and you know it. don't lie.

I'm over here with my skooma pipe going, "chill, I'm still waiting on Morroblivion and Morrowskyrim". I don't think modders have ever managed to finish one of these kinds of projects.

But Hamas is. "From the River to the Sea" is about eliminating Israel. You can't support Hamas without being anti-Israel because it is in their own laws that Israel cannot exist. Don't get me wrong I don't support what is happening to Palestine, but Palestine "winning" isn't a solution either so long as Hamas is in power.

Was that a BLM flag next to a thin blue line flag? I feel like they should either cancel each other out or explode or something.

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This. My autistic daughter loves that generation of MLP and watches it daily for the past five or so years. At first it was somewhat enjoyable for the memes and subtle adult humor. Now it's overkill and I think I could out quiz bronies at a MLP quiz game. Certainly more tolerable at first than many of the other shows she likes though.

Exactly, and to add to it, you can't know the director's vision or opinion on how the framing should be adjusted. AI can make images easily but it won't understand subtext and context that was intended. No time soon at least.

That's a bad faith argument they used against you for having a good opinion that they disagree with. In my personal head cannon I ignore the prequels and sequels because they cheapen the original plot. Rogue One I'll take though.

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They really should have spell checked couth. Everyone likes couth pubes.

Let's get Nestle on it then. The Colorado river still exists in Colorado we can redirect that. /s

My wife found out BG was out. Saw it was a full release price and was kind of like, "meh I can wait". I joked about everyone playing just wanted to edit their character's genitals and she immediately put it on top of her Wishlist.

Is there a way to get it to work with a kbin account?

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I've been gaming wrong this whole time?! Maybe my wife will let me borrow her clothes.