How many ingredients does it take to call it a salad? to – 240 points –

My significant other ate cucumbers and onion with some ranch. I called it a cucumber onion salad. She says there aren't enough ingredients to call it a salad, because "it takes multiple ingredients". I pointed out she had three and asked what the minimum is. She refuses to answer so I ask Lemmy.


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I would probably still call dressing on just lettuce a salad, although I would say it's an unusually basic one. 3 ingredients definitely counts.

Dressing already needs at least 3

By some definitions of ingredient, I see what you're saying, although it might be a simple vinaigrette with two individually obtainable ingredients. However, OP implied they consider dressing one ingredient in the OP, so I went by identity previous to tossing as opposed to identity at any stage of the process.

Do you make your vinaigrette without salt and pepper and maybe those don't count? The ingredient science is very complex

Do you make your vinaigrette without salt and pepper

I do, actually. For whatever reason I don't like most dressings but I enjoy just olive oil and a nice balsamic.