3 Post – 113 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Boneium, duh.

I love that she has a blob fish friend just sitting there.

Yep, eclipses are signs from the almighty! Totally predictable by science signs!

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Yea. I miss those days.

*Sees post. Guess I should make sure someone has said Bitwarden.

*Checks comments. Hmm, Bitwarden, Bitwarden, another Bitwarden.

*Good. I don’t need to reply.

You have to use the mouse.

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Tuckered out tangerine?

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I could get behind 24/7 Fox News like this.

No, the defendant doesn’t. This isn’t a trial jury, it’s the Fulton County Grand Jury. The GJ sits for an extended period (maybe a month, someone step in and correct me if I’m wrong) and listens to cases brought by the prosecutor. The GJ job is to decide if the prosecutor has enough of a case to indict. It seems in this case, she did.

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I don’t care which one we go with, but pick one and stick with it.

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Try whoms’t.

This guy would rather see his name in the newspaper than on a check.

I guess the wording would cover him having an intern do the actual tweeting so he can’t claim it wasn’t him actually typing.

I have most certainly been hard up at times, but I cannot imagine a scenario where I would willfully have any sort of naked time with that vile unscrupulous woman.

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I don’t use Walgreens but my local CVS is the same. Everyone in the pharmacy section is running around with their hair on fire. They have to close for 30 minutes a day to get a lunch break. And most of the time they are all still pleasant to talk to. I don’t see how they do it.

Interesting idea, but I think it would suffer from being too weak structurally to be of much use. Each consecutive size would have to slide in and out and that design would cause trouble with maintaining rigidity.

However, if you would find one let me know. I would likely buy it too.

All that mask wearing in their youth killed those cells.

I too struggled with finding bedding that was not too heavy, breathable, but warm. I picked up an alpaca wool blanket from eBay and use that with a top sheet and the ceiling fan. It’s pretty amazing.

Rosie Cotton dancing. She had ribbons in her hair. If ever I was to marry someone, it would’ve been her.

An escalator can never break down. It can only become stairs. The sign says "Escalator temporarily stairs. Sorry for the convenience."


I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to too.

-Mitch Hedberg

Edit: Thanks for the corrections. This is what happens when drunk me makes comments.

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This is Randall.

Say hello to Nala.

And the old man Toby. He’s 14.

But for gods sake, wrap yourself in a towel after you shower.

That is a pretty dark face for the republican leopards to not eat. How long until this one backfires on him?

Alcohol. The cause of, and solution to, all of life’s problems.

-Homer J Simpson

He’s probably a bit too grissly to be a tenderloin. Just a guess.

I haven’t see Dark Reader mentioned.

Note: If you have something bad that will make me uninstall it, please consider the consequences before posting. I fucking love this one.

These are correct answers, but to add some detail to #1: Real-Debrid downloads the torrents on their servers and you stream them from those same servers. Because your traffic is encrypted over https you do not need to use a VPN. Your ISP can only see a connection to the r-d server, not what you are streaming.

When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.

-Wayne Gretzky
-Michael Scott

^^ This

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That show was amazing. No dialogue to speak of. I really enjoyed it.

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Said the lady in the face eating leopard party.

Oh damn, you got me with boaterists!

First chem trails now gay dog farts!

How about spinach?

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This has potential.

Good for you! Happy Pride.

Distilled water has no dissolved solids, so when its turned into steam it leaves nothing behind. If you use regular tap water you’ll be eventually left with crusty calcium buildup on the nozzle of the device.

That was pretty cool. $129 for a cable is excessive, but I guess there is a lot of engineering in it.

I don’t know why, but that commercial literally popped into my head yesterday when I went somehow found myself in a mental tangent thinking about the product name wondering if they used palm and olive oil. Then of course synthetic palm oil and how would they test that since I haven’t heard about dishpan hands since the 70s.

Only if it comes from the treasonous region of Russia.