USENET, the OG social network, rises again like a text-only phoenix to – 512 points –
USENET, the original social network, is under new management

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Stupid question of the day does this compete with the fediverse or it goes along it? Not pointing fingers just curious.

Federation of usenet required either a peering link or scripting to pull down all new articles, it isn't automatically done, like Lemmy

Yeah that was its downfall really.. anyone could run a server, but getting actual stuff onto it, and getting your posts recognised, required peering, which required being on someone's good side. I remember setting up a server back in the day and searching for someone that would do peering, and it just wasn't happening unless I agreed to take everything which on my small connection just wasn't feasable.

Binary groups becoming piracy hubs didn't help either.. it meant most of the small groups that ran servers gave up as the data requirements got too large.